In PowerShell, how do you pipe the output of a command to the clipboard but
- Still be able to pipe the data to more processes
- No dependencies on external applications like
- for it to work as a filter, so we see output on the command line immediately
EDIT: 14 May 2015
After 3 years, I thought I would share my ClipboardModule
(I hope I am allowed to):
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
Function Get-Clipboard {
$text = [Windows.Forms.Clipboard]::GetText();
if ($SplitLines) {
$xs = $text -split [Environment]::NewLine
if ($xs.Length -gt 1 -and -not($xs[-1])) {
$xs[0..($xs.Length - 2)]
} else {
} else {
function Set-Clipboard {
$in = @($input)
$out =
if ($in.Length -eq 1 -and $in[0] -is [string]) { $in[0] }
else { $in | Out-String }
if ($out) {
} else {
# input is nothing, therefore clear the clipboard
function GetSet-Clipboard {
param([switch]$SplitLines, [Parameter(ValueFromPipeLine=$true)]$ObjectSet)
if ($input) {
$ObjectSet = $input;
if ($ObjectSet) {
$ObjectSet | Set-Clipboard
} else {
Get-Clipboard -SplitLines:$SplitLines
Set-Alias cb GetSet-Clipboard
Export-ModuleMember -Function *-* -Alias *
I usually use the cb
alias (for GetSet-Clipboard
) because it is two way i.e can get or set the clipboard:
cb # gets the contents of the clipboard
"john" | cb # sets the clipboard to "john"
cb -s # gets the clipboard and splits it into lines