Google's android architecture components tutorial here has a part that explains how to abstract the logic of getting data over the network. In it, they create an abstract class called NetworkBoundResource using LiveData to create a reactive stream as the basis for all reactive network requests.
public abstract class NetworkBoundResource<ResultType, RequestType> {
private final AppExecutors appExecutors;
private final MediatorLiveData<Resource<ResultType>> result = new MediatorLiveData<>();
NetworkBoundResource(AppExecutors appExecutors) {
this.appExecutors = appExecutors;
LiveData<ResultType> dbSource = loadFromDb();
result.addSource(dbSource, data -> {
if (shouldFetch()) {
} else {
result.addSource(dbSource, newData -> result.setValue(Resource.success(newData)));
private void fetchFromNetwork(final LiveData<ResultType> dbSource) {
LiveData<ApiResponse<RequestType>> apiResponse = createCall();
// we re-attach dbSource as a new source, it will dispatch its latest value quickly
result.addSource(dbSource, newData -> result.setValue(Resource.loading(newData)));
result.addSource(apiResponse, response -> {
//noinspection ConstantConditions
if (response.isSuccessful()) {
appExecutors.diskIO().execute(() -> {
appExecutors.mainThread().execute(() ->
// we specially request a new live data,
// otherwise we will get immediately last cached value,
// which may not be updated with latest results received from network.
newData -> result.setValue(Resource.success(newData)))
} else {
newData -> result.setValue(Resource.error(response.errorMessage, newData)));
protected void onFetchFailed() {
public LiveData<Resource<ResultType>> asLiveData() {
return result;
protected RequestType processResponse(ApiResponse<RequestType> response) {
return response.body;
protected abstract void saveCallResult(@NonNull RequestType item);
protected abstract boolean shouldFetch();
protected abstract LiveData<ResultType> loadFromDb();
protected abstract LiveData<ApiResponse<RequestType>> createCall();
From What I understand, the logic of this class is to:
a) Create a MediatorLiveData called "result" as the main return object and set its initial value to Resource.loading(null)
b) Get the data from Android Room db as dbSource LiveData and add it to "result" as a source LiveData
c) On dbSource LiveData's first emission, remove the dbSource LiveData from "result" and call "shouldFetchFromNetwork()" which will
- IF TRUE, call "fetchDataFromNetwork(dbSource)" which creates a network call through "createCall()" that returns a LiveData of the response encapsulated as an ApiResponse object
- add back dbSource LiveData to "result" and on set emitted values to Resource.loading(data)
- add apiResponce LiveData to "result" and on first emission remove dbSource and apiResponce LiveDatas
- If apiResponse is successful, call "saveCallResult(processResponse(response))" and add back dbSource LiveData to "result" and set emitted values to Resource.success(newData)
- If apiResponse failed, call "onFetchFailed()" and add back dbSource LiveData to "result" and set emitted values to Resource.error(response.errorMessage, newData))
- IF FALSE, just add the dbSource LiveData to "result" and set emitted values to Resource.success(newData)
Given that this logic is the correct interpretation, I have tried to refactor this class to use RxJava Observables instead of LiveData. This is my attempt at a successful refactoring (I removed the initial Resource.loading(null) as I see this as superfluous).
public abstract class NetworkBoundResource<ResultType, RequestType> {
private Observable<Resource<ResultType>> result;
NetworkBoundResource() {
Observable<Resource<ResultType>> source;
if (shouldFetch()) {
source = createCall()
.doOnNext(apiResponse -> saveCallResult(processResponse(apiResponse)))
.flatMap(apiResponse -> loadFromDb().toObservable().map(Resource::success))
.doOnError(t -> onFetchFailed())
.onErrorResumeNext(t -> {
return loadFromDb()
.map(data -> Resource.error(t.getMessage(), data))
} else {
source = loadFromDb()
result = Observable.concat(
public Observable<Resource<ResultType>> asObservable() {return result;}
protected void onFetchFailed() {}
protected RequestType processResponse(ApiResponse<RequestType> response) {return response.body;}
protected abstract void saveCallResult(@NonNull RequestType item);
protected abstract boolean shouldFetch();
protected abstract Flowable<ResultType> loadFromDb();
protected abstract Observable<ApiResponse<RequestType>> createCall();
As I am new to RxJava, my question is am I correctly refactoring to RxJava and maintaining the same logic as the LiveData version of this class?