Git warning: unable to access 'P:\\/.gitconfig

2020-05-29 17:13发布


I am just testing git. I ran the following command:

git config ""

I now get this when git status and others:

C:\gitg\g1>git status
warning: unable to access 'P:\/.gitconfig': Invalid argument
warning: unable to access 'P:\/.gitconfig': Invalid argument
warning: unable to access 'P:\/.gitconfig': Invalid argument
# On branch master
warning: unable to access 'P:\/.gitconfig': Invalid argument
nothing to commit, working directory clean



I just encountered this error.
Executing set HOMEPATH in the command line gave this output:


Simply deleting this environment variable via set HOMEPATH= fixed the problem.


I experienced a similar issue when not connected to my work network via VPN. Deleting the all the HOME% variables did not work. Deleting the network drive it was trying to access did work. Running the following from a command window worked for me:

net use H: /delete

As a note, I did delete the HOME% variables, but it did work until the command above was run.


I hit on this and had to set HOMEDRIVE to something sane.




If you are using "Git Bash" (MINGW64) on Windows:


export HOME=/c

To verify:

echo $HOME


I was facing this issue when loading a solution in Visual Studio 2017 (v15.1) running as an Administrator. And my local git repo was located in C:\Code\

To work around the problem,

  1. I added an Environment Variable (under User variable) HOME with value C:\
  2. Restarted Visual Studio (again as an admin) - this time Git was able to load successfully loading my branch & source control association correctly.


Try running as Administrator. For whatever reason it defaults to a mapped drive.


It works for me to clear the HOME Variable "nearly" to Daniels solution:

set HOME=

To recheck you have to echo it like this:

echo %HOME%


For me, I have seen this error in sourcetree, it was just a matter of disconnecting the drive P in my computer as it was a net drive.


I experienced this error message intermittently.

The cause was a VPN connection that I used occasionally. It was blocking access to my networked HOMEDRIVE every time I used it; and git could no longer access the config file.

Clearly not the cause here because you found your solution, but I thought I'd add it here for anyone else searching.


Thanks @daniel-hilgrath, your answer helped me till an extent, it did solve for that particular session.

But in my case I was using SourceTree and on Windows 7. I had to wipe out the Environment variables completely, not only for particular session. I did following.


may be this could be useful for someone who is using this on SourceTree.


For the PowerShell users out there:

Remove-Item Env:\HOMEPATH

Thank you @Daniel Hilgarth for the answer


I was getting the same error for sourceTree. Setting the HOME environment variable with value C:\ fixed the issue.


This worked for me on windows 10.

My source code is in C:\workspace and I added an environment variable **HOME to C:**