I get a error message in IE11 but not in chrome the error is:
Script1002 Syntax error
My code is as follows
var selectedRoles = vm.roles.filter(x => x.id === role.id);
The line and column number of the error suggest that it is the arrow function =>
that IE11 does not like. However it works fine in Chrome and Edge
ie 11 not support arrow functions
var selectedRoles = vm.roles.filter(function(x) { return x.id === role.id; });
IE not supported arrow function check browser compatibility here. If you want IE support then use the normal function instead.
var selectedRoles = vm.roles.filter(function(x) {
return x.id === role.id
The arrow function is not supported yet in IE 11. You can refer to these compatibity table: https://kangax.github.io/compat-table/es6/ to get an overview what is suuported where and to what extent in a detailed fashion.
Use pollyfills or a PRE-ES6 compatible code, e.g.
var selectedRoles = vm.roles.filter(function(x) {
return x.id === role.id