
Accessing props in vue component data function

2020-05-29 12:36发布


I am passing a props to a component:

   // other html code

   export default {
      props: ['messageId'],
      data: function(){
         var theData={
            // below line gives ReferenceError messageId is not defined
            somevar: messageId,
            // other object attributes

In above code, I have commented the line that gives the error. If I remove that line, it works as normal and template renders properly (and I can see the expected value of {{messageId}} as well). Hence the logic to pass data is correct.

It seems that the way to access the messageId in data() is wrong. So how do I access the props messageId in data?


From the data() method, you can reference the component's properties using this.

So in your case:

data: function() {
  var theData = {
    somevar: this.messageId,
    // other object attributes

  return theData;


Note that this does not work if you are using an arrow function for assigning your data:

data: () => ({
  somevar: this.messageId // undefined

Because this will not point to the component. Instead, use a plain function:

data: function() {
  return { somevar: this.messageId }

or using ES6 object method shorthand as Siva Tumma suggested:

data() {
    return { somevar: this.messageId }


To assign a data property equal to a props, you can use watcher, as following:

   export default {
      props: ['messageId'],
      data: function(){
         var theData={
            somevar: "",
            // other object attributes
      watch: {
        messageId: function(newVal) { 
           this.somevar = newVal


   // other HTML code

   export default {
      props: ['messaged'],
      data: function(){
         return () {
           some_var: this.messaged
      methods: {
      post_order: function () {
          some_var: this.some_var.id



I think you have done your solution since the question posted a couple of month earlier. I faced the same problem yesterday, so tried out above solutions without no luck. However, I would like to share an alternative solution for this case that helps someone considerably. watch has some attributes to handle those type of cases. Below scrips shows that how do we accept the props value is data.

   export default {
      props: {
            messageId: {
                type: String,
                required: true
      data: function(){
         var theData= {
            somevar: "",
            // other object attributes

         return theData;
      watch: {
        messageId: {
                // Run as soon as the component loads
                immediate: true,
                handler() {
                    // Set the 'somevar' value as props
                    this.somevar = this.messageId;