what i am trying to achieve is simple; Among all the view which i have in my web application, i have only two razor views that i have created a mobile version for them.
so i need to redirect the users to these views if they are accessing the application from their mobile devices. i tried the following on the controller level but it did not redirect the users when i run my test on different mobile devices :-
if (Request.Browser.IsMobileDevice)
return View("MobileStudentStartAssessment");
else {
return View("StudentStartAssessment");
So is there another approach that i can follow which can detect most of the mobile devices?
You can use the Request.Browser.IsMobileDevice
Assuming your mobile view is intended for all mobile devices (rather than having device-specific views,) you can inspect the user agent string to see which view you should return. This is just an example, but should get you pretty far along:
private static string[] mobileDevices = new string[] {"iphone","ppc",
"windows ce","blackberry",
"opera mini","mobile","palm",
"portable","opera mobi" };
public static bool IsMobileDevice(string userAgent)
// TODO: null check
userAgent = userAgent.ToLower();
return mobileDevices.Any(x => userAgent.Contains(x));
Then, in your controller action, you can call:
if (MobileHelper.IsMobileDevice(Request.UserAgent))
// Return mobile view
If you still find it's not recognizing your mobile browser, inspect the user agent string in the debugger and see if there's an identifier you can use.
I use the 51degrees.mobi package from nuget. This is more accurate in detecting all the different mobile devices. It worked right away.
When the browser is a mobile device, I redirect it to a different Area.
I also recommend reading Steve Sandersons blog on the topic.
Use WURFL http://wurfl.sourceforge.net/dotnet_index.php
If you using asp.net mvc you can use an ActionFilter
public class MobileActionFilterAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
// The WURFL database contains information about a huge number of devices and mobile browsers.
// http://wurfl.sourceforge.net/
// http://wurfl.sourceforge.net/dotnet_index.php
// http://wurfl.sourceforge.net/help_doc.php
private static readonly IWURFLManager WurflManager;
static MobileActionFilterAttribute ()
IWURFLConfigurer configurer = new ApplicationConfigurer();
WurflManager = WURFLManagerBuilder.Build(configurer);
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
HttpRequestBase request = filterContext.RequestContext.HttpContext.Request;
// We don't have ARR server for dev environment, so we still need to check to see if the current domain name is the mobile site.
if (request.Url.AbsoluteUri.StartsWith(SiteConfiguration.Current.MobileSiteAddress, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
// Creates a WURFLRequest object from an ASP.NET HttpRequest object
WURFLRequest wurflRequest = WURFLRequestFactory.CreateRequest(HttpContext.Current.Request);
// Indicates whether the current user agent string refers to a desktop agent.
if (wurflRequest.IsDesktopRequest)
// Get the information about the device
IDevice deviceInfo = WurflManager.GetDeviceForRequest(wurflRequest);
// Tells you if a device is a tablet computer (iPad and similar, regardless of OS)
bool isTablet = string.Equals(deviceInfo.GetCapability("is_tablet") ?? string.Empty, "true", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
if (isTablet)
// so we don't show the mobile site for iPad.
// Indicates whether the current user agent string refers to a mobile device.
bool isMobileRequest = wurflRequest.IsMobileRequest;
// Tells you if a device is wireless or not. Specifically a mobile phone or a PDA are considered wireless devices, a desktop PC or a laptop are not
bool isWirelessDevice = string.Equals(deviceInfo.GetCapability("is_wireless_device") ?? string.Empty, "true", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
if (isMobileRequest && isWirelessDevice)
// we can redirect to the mobile site!
filterContext.Result = new RedirectResult(SiteConfiguration.Current.MobileSiteAddress);
I use this method to detect mobile and desktop
if (eDurar.MobileDetect.DeviceType.Any(m => Request.UserAgent.Contains(m)))
Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_mobileLayout.cshtml";
Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml";
You can use
if (Request.Browser["IsMobileDevice"] == "true")
//Mobile Browser Detected
//Desktop Browser Detected
Using 51Degrees' Open source .Net Api, which you can get here, https://github.com/51Degrees/dotNET-Device-Detection, you can detect a huge variety of mobile devices.
You can do something similar to this in the 51Degrees.config file to enable redirect.
<redirect devicesFile="" timeout="20" firstRequestOnly="true"
originalUrlAsQueryString="false" mobileHomePageUrl="~/Mobile/StudentStartAssessment.aspx"
<clear />
<location name="noredirect" url="" matchExpression="" enabled="true">
<add property="Url" matchExpression="[&|\?]noredirect" enabled="true" />
<location name="Mobile" url="~/Mobile/StudentStartAssessment.aspx" matchExpression=""
<add property="IsMobile" matchExpression="True" enabled="true" />
For more information on this you can look here https://51degrees.com/Developers/Documentation/APIs/NET-V32/Web-Apps/Configuration/Redirect
Disclosure: I work for 51Degrees