How can i detect if the request is coming from a m

2019-01-22 20:14发布


what i am trying to achieve is simple; Among all the view which i have in my web application, i have only two razor views that i have created a mobile version for them. so i need to redirect the users to these views if they are accessing the application from their mobile devices. i tried the following on the controller level but it did not redirect the users when i run my test on different mobile devices :-

if (Request.Browser.IsMobileDevice)
                return View("MobileStudentStartAssessment");
            else {
                return View("StudentStartAssessment");

So is there another approach that i can follow which can detect most of the mobile devices? Thanks


You can use the Request.Browser.IsMobileDevice property.


Assuming your mobile view is intended for all mobile devices (rather than having device-specific views,) you can inspect the user agent string to see which view you should return. This is just an example, but should get you pretty far along:

private static string[] mobileDevices = new string[] {"iphone","ppc",
                                                      "windows ce","blackberry",
                                                      "opera mini","mobile","palm",
                                                      "portable","opera mobi" };

public static bool IsMobileDevice(string userAgent)  
    // TODO: null check
    userAgent = userAgent.ToLower();  
    return mobileDevices.Any(x => userAgent.Contains(x));

Then, in your controller action, you can call:

if (MobileHelper.IsMobileDevice(Request.UserAgent))
    // Return mobile view

If you still find it's not recognizing your mobile browser, inspect the user agent string in the debugger and see if there's an identifier you can use.


I use the package from nuget. This is more accurate in detecting all the different mobile devices. It worked right away.

When the browser is a mobile device, I redirect it to a different Area.

I also recommend reading Steve Sandersons blog on the topic.



If you using mvc you can use an ActionFilter

public class MobileActionFilterAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
    // The WURFL database contains information about a huge number of devices and mobile browsers.

    private static readonly IWURFLManager WurflManager;

    static MobileActionFilterAttribute ()
        IWURFLConfigurer configurer = new ApplicationConfigurer();
        WurflManager = WURFLManagerBuilder.Build(configurer);

    public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
        HttpRequestBase request = filterContext.RequestContext.HttpContext.Request;

        // We don't have ARR server for dev environment, so we still need to check to see if the current domain name is the mobile site.
        if (request.Url.AbsoluteUri.StartsWith(SiteConfiguration.Current.MobileSiteAddress, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))

        // Creates a WURFLRequest object from an ASP.NET HttpRequest object
        WURFLRequest wurflRequest = WURFLRequestFactory.CreateRequest(HttpContext.Current.Request);

        // Indicates whether the current user agent string refers to a desktop agent.
        if (wurflRequest.IsDesktopRequest)

        // Get the information about the device
        IDevice deviceInfo = WurflManager.GetDeviceForRequest(wurflRequest);

        // Tells you if a device is a tablet computer (iPad and similar, regardless of OS)
        bool isTablet = string.Equals(deviceInfo.GetCapability("is_tablet") ?? string.Empty, "true", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

        if (isTablet)
            // so we don't show the mobile site for iPad.

        // Indicates whether the current user agent string refers to a mobile device.
        bool isMobileRequest = wurflRequest.IsMobileRequest;

        // Tells you if a device is wireless or not. Specifically a mobile phone or a PDA are considered wireless devices, a desktop PC or a laptop are not
        bool isWirelessDevice = string.Equals(deviceInfo.GetCapability("is_wireless_device") ?? string.Empty, "true", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);

        if (isMobileRequest && isWirelessDevice)
            // we can redirect to the mobile site!
            filterContext.Result = new RedirectResult(SiteConfiguration.Current.MobileSiteAddress);


I use this method to detect mobile and desktop

if (eDurar.MobileDetect.DeviceType.Any(m => Request.UserAgent.Contains(m)))
    Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_mobileLayout.cshtml";
    Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml";


You can use

   if (Request.Browser["IsMobileDevice"] == "true")
        //Mobile Browser Detected
       //Desktop Browser Detected


Using 51Degrees' Open source .Net Api, which you can get here,, you can detect a huge variety of mobile devices.

You can do something similar to this in the 51Degrees.config file to enable redirect.

<redirect devicesFile="" timeout="20" firstRequestOnly="true"
  originalUrlAsQueryString="false" mobileHomePageUrl="~/Mobile/StudentStartAssessment.aspx"
    <clear />
    <location name="noredirect" url="" matchExpression="" enabled="true">
      <add property="Url" matchExpression="[&amp;|\?]noredirect" enabled="true" />
    <location name="Mobile" url="~/Mobile/StudentStartAssessment.aspx" matchExpression=""
      <add property="IsMobile" matchExpression="True" enabled="true" />

For more information on this you can look here

Disclosure: I work for 51Degrees