There are many questions (here, here) regarding the double height red audio recording status bar, but all of them reference flashes when the app resigns into the background. I'm getting a flash, I'm assuming from an AVCaptureSession
setup, while the app is in foreground.
Has anyone experienced this before?
You have to remove the audio input from the AVCaptureSession
[self.captureSession removeInput:audioIn];
in which the audioIn
is the AVCaptureDeviceInput
object, that is initialised in the init method.
You get a flash because of the transition. When you go from view A to view B, and the object was allocated in view A. You get a flash because when the view B is presented, and view A still hasn’t deallocated the object. So it is still being used on “background” by view A. It’s the same thing when you are on a call and open an app while you are on a call.