I have a table of venues which I'm displaying on the venues index page as partials. I also have a table of reviews where one venue can have many reviews and each review has a rating 1-5.
I'm trying to get the venues to display on the index page with the ones with the highest average rating at the top and descending.
The controller code looks like this:
Venues controller
def index
@venues = Venue.with_type(params[:venuetypes]).with_area(params[:areas]).joins(:reviews).order("reviews.rating DESC")
@venues = Venue.all
This gives this kind of a result:
If venue 1 has a 5 star review it shows the venue partial at the top of the list.
If venue 2 has a 5 star review and a 1 star review it shows two partials, one at the top and one
at the bottom of the list.If venue 3 has a 5 star review, a 3 star review and a 1 star review it shows three partials, one at the top, one in the middle and one at the bottom of the list.
I just want one partial showing per venue but positioned in the list by the average rating, I feel theres a .average or something missing somewhere how can I acheive this?
Thanks for any help its much appreciated!
Venue model
class Venue < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :name, :addressline1, :addressline2, :addressline3, :addressline4, :postcode, :phonenumber, :about, :icontoppx, :iconleftpx, :area_id, :venuetype_id, :lat, :long, :venuephotos_attributes
belongs_to :area
belongs_to :venuetype
has_many :reviews
has_many :venuephotos
accepts_nested_attributes_for :venuephotos, :allow_destroy => true
scope :with_type, lambda { |types|
types.present? ? where(:venuetype_id => types) : scoped }
scope :with_area, lambda { |areas|
areas.present? ? where(:area_id => areas) : scoped }
def to_param
"#{id}-#{name.gsub(/\W/, '-').downcase}"
def add_rating(rating_opts)
@venue.add_rating(:rating => rating, :reviewer => params[:rating][:reviewer])
def update_rating!
s = self.reviews.sum(:rating)
c = self.reviews.count
self.update_attribute(:average_rating, s.to_f / c.to_f)
self.save(:validate => false)
Development log for adding a review
Started POST "/venues/44-rating-test-5/reviews" for at 2011-05-18 09:24:24 +0100
Processing by ReviewsController#create as JS
Parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓", "authenticity_token"=>"GZWd67b5ocJOjwKI6z9nJInBXxvQahHrjUtUpdm9oJE=", "review"=>{"rating"=>"5", "title"=>"5 star review"}, "venue_id"=>"44-rating-test-5"}
[1m[36mVenue Load (1.0ms)[0m [1mSELECT `venues`.* FROM `venues` WHERE (`venues`.`id` = 44) LIMIT 1[0m
[1m[35mUser Load (0.0ms)[0m SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE (`users`.`id` = 3) LIMIT 1
[1m[36mSQL (0.0ms)[0m [1mBEGIN[0m
[1m[35mSQL (2.0ms)[0m describe `reviews`
[1m[36mAREL (0.0ms)[0m [1mINSERT INTO `reviews` (`title`, `created_at`, `updated_at`, `venue_id`, `user_id`, `rating`) VALUES ('5 star review', '2011-05-18 08:24:24', '2011-05-18 08:24:24', NULL, 3, 5)[0m
[1m[35mSQL (27.0ms)[0m COMMIT
[1m[36mSQL (0.0ms)[0m [1mBEGIN[0m
[1m[35mAREL (0.0ms)[0m UPDATE `reviews` SET `venue_id` = 44, `updated_at` = '2011-05-18 08:24:24' WHERE (`reviews`.`id` = 90)
[1m[36mSQL (23.0ms)[0m [1mCOMMIT[0m
[1m[35mSQL (1.0ms)[0m SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `reviews` WHERE (`reviews`.venue_id = 44)
[1m[36mUser Load (0.0ms)[0m [1mSELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE (`users`.`id` = 3) LIMIT 1[0m
Rendered reviews/_review.html.erb (9.0ms)
Rendered reviews/create.js.erb (22.0ms)
Completed 200 OK in 220ms (Views: 56.0ms | ActiveRecord: 54.0ms)
edit create review method (reviews controller)
def create
@review = current_user.reviews.create!(params[:review])
@review.venue = @venue
if @review.save
flash[:notice] = 'Thank you for reviewing this venue!'
respond_to do |format|
format.html { redirect_to venue_path(@venue) }
render :action => :new