I am trying to write code to represent polynomials within Scala. I need this code to be type polymorphic, so I am using implicits to deal with different types. I have:
case class Mono[T](degree: Int, coeff: T) {
def Degree: Int = return degree
def Coeff: T = return coeff
class Poly[T](private val terms: List[Mono[T]]) {
trait Semiring[T] {
def add(x:T, y:T): T
def mul(x:T, y:T): T
def exponent(x: T, n:Int): T
val unitA: T
implicit object IntSemiring extends Semiring[Int] {
def add(x: Int, y: Int): Int = x+y
def mul(x: Int, y: Int): Int = x*y
def exponent(x: Int, n:Int): Int = if(n==0) 1 else x*exponent(x, n-1)
val unitA: Int = 0
implicit object SetSemiring extends Semiring[Set[Int]] {
def add(x: Set[Int], y: Set[Int]): Set[Int] = x.union(y)
def mul(x: Set[Int], y: Set[Int]): Set[Int] = x.intersect(y)
def exponent(x: Set[Int], n: Int): Set[Int] = x
val unitA: Set[Int] = Set()
def eval(x: T)(implicit r: Semiring[T]): T = {
var termlist = terms
var sum = r.unitA
var expression = terms
while(!termlist.isEmpty) {
val term = expression.head
val power = r.exponent(x, term.Degree)
val termval = r.mul(power, term.Coeff)
sum = r.add(sum, termval)
termlist = termlist.tail
return sum
def add(that: Poly[T])(implicit r: Semiring[T]): Poly[T] = ...
def mul(that: Poly[T])(implicit r: Semiring[T]): Poly[T] = ...
I chopped out a few functions for brevity there. This compiles fine but when I try and use it I get some strange errors:
scala> val p1 = new Poly(List(Mono(0,1),Mono(1,2),Mono(2,1)))
p1: Poly[Int] = Poly@450ae3fb
scala> p1 eval 3
<console>:9: error: could not find implicit value for parameter r: p1.Semiring[Int]
p1 eval 3
I'm not sure how to fix it. Am I defining the implicit objects in the wrong place? I tried moving them outside the class but then the complier fails. Is there something else I need to do to get it to work properly?