Hide, show annotation on MkMapView

2020-05-28 03:10发布


How to hide annotation when zooming out the map view. I have a big number of annotation i have to hide them because if the region displayed on the map is too big you can see only the annotations.


To do this, you have to check the size of your region, and depending of it you set the views hidden or not.

I tested the code bellow but, you will probably need some adjustments.

- (void)mapView:(MKMapView *)mapView regionDidChangeAnimated:(BOOL)animated
    NSArray *annotations = [_mapView annotations];  
    MyAnnotation *annotation = nil; 
    for (int i=0; i<[annotations count]; i++)
        annotation = (MyAnnotation*)[annotations objectAtIndex:i];
        if (_mapView.region.span.latitudeDelta > .010)
            [[_mapView viewForAnnotation:annotation] setHidden:YES];
        else {
            [[_mapView viewForAnnotation:annotation] setHidden:NO];



Swift version:

let annotations = self.maps.annotations

    for annotation in annotations
        if (self.maps.region.span.latitudeDelta > 0.010)

            self.maps.viewForAnnotation(annotation)?.hidden = true

        else {

            self.maps.viewForAnnotation(annotation)?.hidden = false
