I have been experimenting different ways to filter a typed data set. It turns out the performance can be quite different.
The data set was created based on a 1.6 GB rows of data with 33 columns and 4226047 rows. DataSet is created by loading csv data and mapped to a case class.
val df = spark.read.csv(csvFile).as[FireIncident]
A filter on UnitId = 'B02' should return 47980 rows. I tested three ways as below: 1) Use typed column (~ 500 ms on local host)
df.where($"UnitID" === "B02").count()
2) Use temp table and sql query (~ same as option 1)
spark.sql("SELECT * FROM FireIncidentsSF WHERE UnitID='B02'").count()
3) Use strong typed class field (14,987ms, i.e. 30 times as slow)
df.filter(_.UnitID.orNull == "B02").count()
I tested it again with the python API, for the same data set, the timing is 17,046 ms, comparable to the performance of the scala API option 3.
df.filter(df['UnitID'] == 'B02').count()
Could someone shed some light on how 3) and the python API are executed differently from the first two options?