
Decode AAC to PCM format using AVAudioConverter Sw

2020-05-27 09:47发布


How convert AAC to PCM using AVAudioConverter, AVAudioCompressedBuffer and AVAudioPCMBuffer on Swift?

On WWDC 2015, 507 Session was said, that AVAudioConverter can encode and decode PCM buffer, was showed encode example, but wasn't showed examples with decoding. I tried decode, and something doesn't work. I don't know what:(


//buffer - it's AVAudioPCMBuffer from AVAudioInputNode(AVAudioEngine)
let aacBuffer = AudioBufferConverter.convertToAAC(from: buffer, error: nil) //has data
let data = Data(bytes: aacBuffer!.data, count: Int(aacBuffer!.byteLength)) //has data
let aacReverseBuffer = AudioBufferConverter.convertToAAC(from: data) //has data
let pcmReverseBuffer = AudioBufferConverter.convertToPCM(from: aacBuffer2!, error: nil) //zeros data. data object exist, but filled by zeros

It's code for converting:

class AudioBufferFormatHelper {

    static func PCMFormat() -> AVAudioFormat? {

        return AVAudioFormat(commonFormat: .pcmFormatFloat32, sampleRate: 44100, channels: 1, interleaved: false)

    static func AACFormat() -> AVAudioFormat? {

        var outDesc = AudioStreamBasicDescription(
                mSampleRate: 44100,
                mFormatID: kAudioFormatMPEG4AAC,
                mFormatFlags: 0,
                mBytesPerPacket: 0,
                mFramesPerPacket: 0,
                mBytesPerFrame: 0,
                mChannelsPerFrame: 1,
                mBitsPerChannel: 0,
                mReserved: 0)
        let outFormat = AVAudioFormat(streamDescription: &outDesc)
        return outFormat

class AudioBufferConverter {

    static func convertToAAC(from buffer: AVAudioBuffer, error outError: NSErrorPointer) -> AVAudioCompressedBuffer? {

        let outputFormat = AudioBufferFormatHelper.AACFormat()
        let outBuffer = AVAudioCompressedBuffer(format: outputFormat!, packetCapacity: 8, maximumPacketSize: 768)

        self.convert(from: buffer, to: outBuffer, error: outError)

        return outBuffer

    static func convertToPCM(from buffer: AVAudioBuffer, error outError: NSErrorPointer) -> AVAudioPCMBuffer? {

        let outputFormat = AudioBufferFormatHelper.PCMFormat()
        guard let outBuffer = AVAudioPCMBuffer(pcmFormat: outputFormat!, frameCapacity: 4410) else {
            return nil

        outBuffer.frameLength = 4410
        self.convert(from: buffer, to: outBuffer, error: outError)

        return outBuffer

    static func convertToAAC(from data: Data) -> AVAudioCompressedBuffer? {

        let nsData = NSData(data: data)
        let inputFormat = AudioBufferFormatHelper.AACFormat()
        let buffer = AVAudioCompressedBuffer(format: inputFormat!, packetCapacity: 8, maximumPacketSize: 768)
        buffer.byteLength = UInt32(data.count)
        buffer.packetCount = 8

        buffer.data.copyMemory(from: nsData.bytes, byteCount: nsData.length)
        buffer.packetDescriptions!.pointee.mDataByteSize = 4

        return buffer

    private static func convert(from sourceBuffer: AVAudioBuffer, to destinationBuffer: AVAudioBuffer, error outError: NSErrorPointer) {

        //init converter
        let inputFormat = sourceBuffer.format
        let outputFormat = destinationBuffer.format
        let converter = AVAudioConverter(from: inputFormat, to: outputFormat)

        converter!.bitRate = 32000

        let inputBlock : AVAudioConverterInputBlock = { inNumPackets, outStatus in

            outStatus.pointee = AVAudioConverterInputStatus.haveData
            return sourceBuffer

        _ = converter!.convert(to: destinationBuffer, error: outError, withInputFrom: inputBlock)

In result AVAudioPCMBuffer has data with zeros. And in messages I see errors:

AACDecoder.cpp:192:Deserialize:  Unmatched number of channel elements in payload
AACDecoder.cpp:220:DecodeFrame:  Error deserializing packet
[ac] ACMP4AACBaseDecoder.cpp:1337:ProduceOutputBufferList: (0x14f81b840) Error decoding packet 1: err = -1, packet length: 0
AACDecoder.cpp:192:Deserialize:  Unmatched number of channel elements in payload
AACDecoder.cpp:220:DecodeFrame:  Error deserializing packet
[ac] ACMP4AACBaseDecoder.cpp:1337:ProduceOutputBufferList: (0x14f81b840) Error decoding packet 3: err = -1, packet length: 0
AACDecoder.cpp:192:Deserialize:  Unmatched number of channel elements in payload
AACDecoder.cpp:220:DecodeFrame:  Error deserializing packet
[ac] ACMP4AACBaseDecoder.cpp:1337:ProduceOutputBufferList: (0x14f81b840) Error decoding packet 5: err = -1, packet length: 0
AACDecoder.cpp:192:Deserialize:  Unmatched number of channel elements in payload
AACDecoder.cpp:220:DecodeFrame:  Error deserializing packet
[ac] ACMP4AACBaseDecoder.cpp:1337:ProduceOutputBufferList: (0x14f81b840) Error decoding packet 7: err = -1, packet length: 0


There were a few problems with your attempt:

  1. you're not setting the multiple packet descriptions when you convert data -> AVAudioCompressedBuffer. You need to create them, as AAC packets are of variable size. You can either copy them from the original AAC buffer, or parse them from your data by hand (ouch) or by using the AudioFileStream api.

  2. you re-create your AVAudioConverters over and over again - once for each buffer, throwing away their state. e.g. the AAC encoder for its own personal reasons needs to add 2112 frames of silence before it can get around to reproducing your audio, so recreating the converter gets you a whole lot of silence.

  3. you present the same buffer over and over to the AVAudioConverter's input block. You should only present each buffer once.

  4. the bit rate of 32000 didn't work (for me)

That's all I can think of right now. Try the following modifications to your code instead which you now call like so:

(p.s. I changed some of the mono to stereo so I could play the round trip buffers on my mac, whose microphone input is strangely stereo - you might need to change it back)

(p.p.s there's obviously some kind of round trip / serialising/deserialising attempt going on here, but what exactly are you trying to do? do you want to stream AAC audio from one device to another? because it might be easier to let another API like AVPlayer play the resulting stream instead of dealing with the packets yourself)

let aacBuffer = AudioBufferConverter.convertToAAC(from: buffer, error: nil)!
let data = Data(bytes: aacBuffer.data, count: Int(aacBuffer.byteLength))
let packetDescriptions = Array(UnsafeBufferPointer(start: aacBuffer.packetDescriptions, count: Int(aacBuffer.packetCount)))
let aacReverseBuffer = AudioBufferConverter.convertToAAC(from: data, packetDescriptions: packetDescriptions)!
// was aacBuffer2
let pcmReverseBuffer = AudioBufferConverter.convertToPCM(from: aacReverseBuffer, error: nil)

class AudioBufferFormatHelper {

    static func PCMFormat() -> AVAudioFormat? {
        return AVAudioFormat(commonFormat: .pcmFormatFloat32, sampleRate: 44100, channels: 1, interleaved: false)

    static func AACFormat() -> AVAudioFormat? {

        var outDesc = AudioStreamBasicDescription(
            mSampleRate: 44100,
            mFormatID: kAudioFormatMPEG4AAC,
            mFormatFlags: 0,
            mBytesPerPacket: 0,
            mFramesPerPacket: 0,
            mBytesPerFrame: 0,
            mChannelsPerFrame: 1,
            mBitsPerChannel: 0,
            mReserved: 0)
        let outFormat = AVAudioFormat(streamDescription: &outDesc)
        return outFormat

class AudioBufferConverter {
    static var lpcmToAACConverter: AVAudioConverter! = nil

    static func convertToAAC(from buffer: AVAudioBuffer, error outError: NSErrorPointer) -> AVAudioCompressedBuffer? {

        let outputFormat = AudioBufferFormatHelper.AACFormat()
        let outBuffer = AVAudioCompressedBuffer(format: outputFormat!, packetCapacity: 8, maximumPacketSize: 768)

        //init converter once
        if lpcmToAACConverter == nil {
            let inputFormat = buffer.format

            lpcmToAACConverter = AVAudioConverter(from: inputFormat, to: outputFormat!)
//            print("available rates \(lpcmToAACConverter.applicableEncodeBitRates)")
//          lpcmToAACConverter!.bitRate = 96000
            lpcmToAACConverter.bitRate = 32000    // have end of stream problems with this, not sure why

        self.convert(withConverter:lpcmToAACConverter, from: buffer, to: outBuffer, error: outError)

        return outBuffer

    static var aacToLPCMConverter: AVAudioConverter! = nil

    static func convertToPCM(from buffer: AVAudioBuffer, error outError: NSErrorPointer) -> AVAudioPCMBuffer? {

        let outputFormat = AudioBufferFormatHelper.PCMFormat()
        guard let outBuffer = AVAudioPCMBuffer(pcmFormat: outputFormat!, frameCapacity: 4410) else {
            return nil

        //init converter once
        if aacToLPCMConverter == nil {
            let inputFormat = buffer.format

            aacToLPCMConverter = AVAudioConverter(from: inputFormat, to: outputFormat!)

        self.convert(withConverter: aacToLPCMConverter, from: buffer, to: outBuffer, error: outError)

        return outBuffer

    static func convertToAAC(from data: Data, packetDescriptions: [AudioStreamPacketDescription]) -> AVAudioCompressedBuffer? {

        let nsData = NSData(data: data)
        let inputFormat = AudioBufferFormatHelper.AACFormat()
        let maximumPacketSize = packetDescriptions.map { $0.mDataByteSize }.max()!
        let buffer = AVAudioCompressedBuffer(format: inputFormat!, packetCapacity: AVAudioPacketCount(packetDescriptions.count), maximumPacketSize: Int(maximumPacketSize))
        buffer.byteLength = UInt32(data.count)
        buffer.packetCount = AVAudioPacketCount(packetDescriptions.count)

        buffer.data.copyMemory(from: nsData.bytes, byteCount: nsData.length)
        buffer.packetDescriptions!.pointee.mDataByteSize = UInt32(data.count)
        buffer.packetDescriptions!.initialize(from: packetDescriptions, count: packetDescriptions.count)

        return buffer

    private static func convert(withConverter: AVAudioConverter, from sourceBuffer: AVAudioBuffer, to destinationBuffer: AVAudioBuffer, error outError: NSErrorPointer) {
        // input each buffer only once
        var newBufferAvailable = true

        let inputBlock : AVAudioConverterInputBlock = {
            inNumPackets, outStatus in
            if newBufferAvailable {
                outStatus.pointee = .haveData
                newBufferAvailable = false
                return sourceBuffer
            } else {
                outStatus.pointee = .noDataNow
                return nil

        let status = withConverter.convert(to: destinationBuffer, error: outError, withInputFrom: inputBlock)
        print("status: \(status.rawValue)")