
Server Location (Catalina Home) folder is not vali

2020-05-27 09:29发布


Trying to create Web application based on Tomcat. Can't set Tomcat folder:


The specified Server Location (Catalina Home) folder is not valid.

How to fix this problem?


Netbeans 8.1 doesn't support Tomcat 9.

Upgrade your Netbeans to 8.2, or use Tomcat 8 instead.


Try to set the environment variables:

PATH: ......C:\Progra..\Java\jdk1.7.0_51
CATALINA_HOME: F:\apache-tomcat-7.0.52-windows-x86\apache-tomcat-7.0.52
JAVA_HOME: C:\Progra..\Java\jdk1.7.0_51
JRE_HOME: C:\Progra..\Java\jre7

and restart apache after it!


To solve this in (Netbeans 8.2), just add the directory of the Apache Tomcat server (where you unzipped your Tomcat server to)

The directory you see in Catalina Home in the picture is where I unzipped Tomcat to.

Set is also in System Environment:

Do not add a semicolon at the end


Open the folder and then you find the single folder with apache tomcat 9.0. Press open then, before you just selected the main folder didn't opened it.


Just download the appropriate tomcat file and unzip.


Check Permissions

One possible reason that someone might receive this error, especially on MacOS or *nix platforms, is permissions. On MacOS, the NetBeans 8-ish installers will install Tomcat in the NetBeans Applications folder, e.g., /Applications/NetBeans/apache-tomcat-maj.min.patch.

If you are following that pattern and upgrade Tomcat to a currently compatible version with your version of NetBeans, you may be forced to unpack the binary as sudo, e.g., sudo tar xvf ~/Downloads/apache-tomcat-maj.min.patch.tar.gz -C /Applications/NetBeans. This will untar your NetBeans install without write permissions for group, other, e.g., 0755 or drwxr-xr-x ....

You can correct that with sudo chown -R user:group apache-tomcat-maj.min.patch as apropos, sudo chown -R javafueled:admin apache-tomcat-maj.min.patch


initially I had the same problem. I am using a windows 10 machine. This problem happened to me because of the permission issue in windows 10. All you have to do is allow permission to use the directory by going to the properties


Download Tomcat (Windows Service Installer) format, then Install

Go to Installation Folder, then Try to open Tomcat 9.0 folder, then Windows Message Asked, then Take permission to open folder

That All and my purpose was solved to install Tomcat 9.0 in Netbeans 11.3