I'm getting the Unit test coverage percentage metric from sonar rest api.
How can I fail the build if it falls below a defined value?
I'm getting the Unit test coverage percentage metric from sonar rest api.
How can I fail the build if it falls below a defined value?
offers that feature.
Define JaCoCo plugin using configuration rules COVEREDRATIO
The supported counter
options are:
would allow you to make a general check (verify that the whole project has at least 0.80 of coverage for instance).
Example with INSTRUCTION - overall instruction coverage of 80%
This example requires an overall instruction coverage of 80% and no class must be missed:
<rules> <rule implementation="org.jacoco.maven.RuleConfiguration"> <element>BUNDLE</element> <limits> <limit implementation="org.jacoco.report.check.Limit"> <counter>INSTRUCTION</counter> <value>COVEREDRATIO</value> <minimum>0.80</minimum> </limit> <limit implementation="org.jacoco.report.check.Limit"> <counter>CLASS</counter> <value>MISSEDCOUNT</value> <maximum>0</maximum> </limit> </limits> </rule> </rules>
If the coverage isn't as expected, it fails with the following message:
[WARNING] Rule violated for class com.sampleapp.SpringConfiguration: lines covered ratio is 0.00, but expected minimum is 0.80
[WARNING] Rule violated for class com.sampleapp.Launcher: lines covered ratio is 0.33, but expected minimum is 0.80
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
In the example above, I set <exclude>com.xyz.ClassToExclude</exclude>
. I think you'll find you need to add many exclusions. Projects usually contain many classes which aren't testable/tested (Spring Configuration, Java beans...). You may be able to use regular expression too.
Specify the datFile location if it is not under default folder.
If you are using 0.8.2 or similar versions of jacoco-maven-plugin, please make sure data file is defined, and use the following configuration for the plugin.
This code ensures overall coverage of 17%.
Please verify this using
mvn clean verify