I started to learn the machine learning last week. when I want to make a gradient descent script to estimate the model parameters, I came across a problem: How to choose a appropriate learning rate and variance。I found that,different (learning rate,variance) pairs may lead to different results, some times you even can't convergence. Also, if change to another training data set, a well-chose (learning rate,variance)pair probably will not work. For example(script below),when I set the learning rate to 0.001 and variance to 0.00001, for 'data1', I can get the suitable theta0_guess and theta1_guess. But for ‘data2’, they can't make the algorithem convergence, even when I tried dozens of (learning rate,variance)pairs still can't reach to convergence.
So if anybody could tell me that are there some criteria or methods to determine the (learning rate,variance)pair.
import sys
data1 = [(0.000000,95.364693) ,
(1.000000,97.217205) ,
(3.000000,60.105519) ,
(11.000000, -4.383926),
data2 = [(2104.,400.),
def create_hypothesis(theta1, theta0):
return lambda x: theta1*x + theta0
def linear_regression(data, learning_rate=0.001, variance=0.00001):
theta0_guess = 1.
theta1_guess = 1.
theta0_last = 100.
theta1_last = 100.
m = len(data)
while (abs(theta1_guess-theta1_last) > variance or abs(theta0_guess - theta0_last) > variance):
theta1_last = theta1_guess
theta0_last = theta0_guess
hypothesis = create_hypothesis(theta1_guess, theta0_guess)
theta0_guess = theta0_guess - learning_rate * (1./m) * sum([hypothesis(point[0]) - point[1] for point in data])
theta1_guess = theta1_guess - learning_rate * (1./m) * sum([ (hypothesis(point[0]) - point[1]) * point[0] for point in data])
return ( theta0_guess,theta1_guess )
points = [(float(x),float(y)) for (x,y) in data1]
res = linear_regression(points)
print res