I have a gridView and i managed to get it to contain the data i need, but what i need to do next is to create a column which contains two buttons for has_facebook and has_twitter.
'filterModel' =>$searchModel,
'columns' =>[
name | cm_name | platforms
account1 | jack | btn1 btn2
where btn1 and btn2 refer to facebook and twitter.
sorry for the disfigured table.
You don't need to create own column Class. You can create simple raw-column and show there anything you want:
'attribute' => 'some_title',
'format' => 'raw',
'value' => function ($model) {
return '<div>'.$model->id.' and other html-code</div>';
This function
function ($model) {
return '<div>'.$model->id.' and other html-code</div>';
names callback function. There is core method evaluateExpression in CComponent:
public function evaluateExpression($_expression_,$_data_=array())
return eval('return '.$_expression_.';');
return call_user_func_array($_expression_, $_data_);
in our case expression is not string, it's a function, so it runs php method call_user_func_array and pass into it your model.
Just a tip:
If you are rendering complex data, this was would be helpful in Yii2..
echo yii\grid\GridView::widget([
'dataProvider' => $dataProvider,
'columns' => [
'attribute' => 'Details',
'format' => 'raw',
'value' => function ($model) {
return $this->render('//path/to/view.php', ['model' => $model]);
or you can use
echo \yii\widgets\ListView::widget([
'dataProvider' => $dataProvider,
'itemView' => '//path/to/view.php',
and the partial view could be something like
<?= Html::img('@web/user/images' . $model->id . '.jpeg', ['alt' => 'Profile Picture', 'class' => 'img img-rounded']); ?>
<?= Html::encode($model->firstName) ?> <?= Html::encode($model->lastName) ?>,
living in <?= Html::encode($model->city) ?> <?= Html::encode($model->country) ?>