Is there wildcard mechanism for listing sources in

2020-05-26 10:19发布


I'm writing binding.gyp file for my new node.js module. I have all my source files under src/ subdirectory. I would like to use all of them while building the module. Instead of modifying binding.gyp each time I add a new cpp file, I would like to list all cpp files through some wildcard mechanism. Does node-gyp support that? Something like following (which doesn't work

  'targets' : [
          'target_name' : 'mymod',
          'sources' : 'src/*.cpp'

I looked at , but didn't find anything readily useful.


Figured it out

  'targets' : [
          'target_name' : 'mymod',
          'sources' : [ '<!@(ls -1 src/*.cpp)' ],

Check out this link


The solution above is not portable across platforms. Here's a portable version:

  'targets' : [
          'target_name' : 'mymod',
          'sources' : [  "<!@(node -p \"require('fs').readdirSync('./src').map(f=>'src/'+f).join(' ')\")" ],

Essentially it replaces the platform specific directory listing command (ls), by Javascript code that uses node's fs module to list the directory contents.


An even more portable version (that doesn't depend on node, but rather python):

"<!@(python -c \"import os; print '\n'.join(['%s' % x for x in os.listdir('.') if x[-3:] == '.cc' and 'test' not in x])\")"


To filter specific file extensions like cpp and to support also pre-compiled libraries .a files, I have slightly modified the accepted solution to be:

'sources': [
        "<!@(node -p \"require('fs').readdirSync('./src').filter(f=>f.endsWith('.cpp')).map(f=>'src/'+f).join(' ')\")",
        "<!@(node -p \"require('fs').readdirSync('./src/jamspell').filter(f=>f.endsWith('.cpp')).map(f=>'src/jamspell/'+f).join(' ')\")"
        'include_dirs': [
            "<!@(node -p \"require('node-addon-api').include\")"
        'libraries': [
          "<!@(node -p \"require('fs').readdirSync('./lib/contrib').filter(f=>f.endsWith('.a')).map(f=>'lib/contrib/'+f).join(' ')\")"
        'dependencies': [
            "<!(node -p \"require('node-addon-api').gyp\")"


If anyone wants to include all sub files and folders within a certain folder (defined at end of line, here as "sources"):

  "targets": [
      "target_name": "addon",
      "sources": [ 
            "<!@(node -p \"var fs=require('fs'),path=require('path'),walk=function(r){let t,e=[],n=null;try{t=fs.readdirSync(r)}catch(r){n=r.toString()}if(n)return n;var a=0;return function n(){var i=t[a++];if(!i)return e;let u=path.resolve(r,i);i=r+'/'+i;let c=fs.statSync(u);if(c&&c.isDirectory()){let r=walk(i);return e=e.concat(r),n()}return e.push(i),n()}()};walk('./sources').join(' ');\")"

(based off, but not exactly: node.js fs.readdir recursive directory search)

标签: node-gyp