Given an absolute URI/URL, I want to get a URI/URL which doesn't contain the leaf portion. For example: given http://foo.com/bar/baz.html, I should get http://foo.com/bar/.
The code which I could come up with seems a bit lengthy, so I'm wondering if there is a better way.
static string GetParentUriString(Uri uri)
StringBuilder parentName = new StringBuilder();
// Append the scheme: http, ftp etc.
// Appned the '://' after the http, ftp etc.
// Append the host name www.foo.com
// Append each segment except the last one. The last one is the
// leaf and we will ignore it.
for (int i = 0; i < uri.Segments.Length - 1; i++)
return parentName.ToString();
One would use the function something like this:
static void Main(string[] args)
Uri uri = new Uri("http://foo.com/bar/baz.html");
// Should return http://foo.com/bar/
string parentName = GetParentUriString(uri);
This is the shortest I can come up with:
static string GetParentUriString(Uri uri)
return uri.AbsoluteUri.Remove(uri.AbsoluteUri.Length - uri.Segments.Last().Length);
If you want to use the Last() method, you will have to include System.Linq.
Did you try this? Seems simple enough.
Uri parent = new Uri(uri, "..");
There must be an easier way to do this with the built in uri methods but here is my twist on @unknown (yahoo)'s suggestion.
In this version you don't need System.Linq
and it also handles URIs with query strings:
private static string GetParentUriString(Uri uri)
return uri.AbsoluteUri.Remove(uri.AbsoluteUri.Length - uri.Segments[uri.Segments.Length -1].Length - uri.Query.Length);
Quick and dirty
int pos = uriString.LastIndexOf('/');
if (pos > 0) { uriString = uriString.Substring(0, pos); }
Shortest way I found:
static Uri GetParent(Uri uri) {
return new Uri(uri, Path.GetDirectoryName(uri.LocalPath) + "/");
PapyRef's answer is incorrect, UriPartial.Path
includes the filename.
new Uri(uri, ".").ToString()
seems to be cleanest/simplest implementation of the function requested.
I read many answers here but didn't find one that I liked because they break in some cases.
So, I am using this:
public Uri GetParentUri(Uri uri) {
var withoutQuery = new Uri(uri.GetComponents(UriComponents.Scheme |
UriComponents.UserInfo |
UriComponents.Host |
UriComponents.Port |
UriComponents.Path, UriFormat.UriEscaped));
var trimmed = new Uri(withoutQuery.AbsoluteUri.TrimEnd('/'));
var result = new Uri(trimmed, ".");
return result;
Note: It removes the Query and the Fragment intentionally.
new Uri(uri.AbsoluteUri + "/../")
Get segmenation of url
Dim name() As String = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Segments
now simply using for loop or by index, get parent directory name
code = name(2).Remove(name(2).IndexOf("/"))
This returns me, "Common"
Thought I'd chime in; despite it being almost 10 years, with the advent of the cloud, getting the parent Uri is a fairly common (and IMO more valuable) scenario, so combining some of the answers here you would simply use (extended) Uri semantics:
public static Uri Parent(this Uri uri)
return new Uri(uri.AbsoluteUri.Remove(uri.AbsoluteUri.Length - uri.Segments.Last().Length - uri.Query.Length).TrimEnd('/'));
var source = new Uri("https://foo.azure.com/bar/source/baz.html?q=1");
var parent = source.Parent(); // https://foo.azure.com/bar/source
var folder = parent.Segments.Last(); // source
I can't say I've tested every scenario, so caution advised.