How can a Javascript object become iterable with f

2020-05-26 03:40发布


I would like to set the options[Symbol.iterator] property in order to iterate on the simple objects I create with the for...of statement :

options = {
  male: 'John',
  female: 'Gina',
  rel: 'Love'

for(let p of options){
  console.log(`Property ${p}`);

But this code gives me the following error:

 array.html:72 Uncaught TypeError: options[Symbol.iterator] is not a function

How I can set the right iterator function on a simple object as above?


 // define the Iterator for the options object 
 options[Symbol.iterator] = function(){

     // get the properties of the object 
     let properties = Object.keys(this);
     let count = 0;
     // set to true when the loop is done 
     isDone = false;

     // define the next method, need for iterator 
     let next = () => {
        // control on last property reach 
        if(count >= properties.length){
           isDone = true;
        return {done:isDone, value: this[properties[count++]]};

     // return the next method used to iterate 
     return {next};

And I can use the for...of statement on my object now iterable :

 for(let property of options){
   console.log(`Properties -> ${property}`);


To use for...of loop you should define an appropriate iterator for your object using [Symbol.iterator] key.

Here is one possible implementation:

let options = {
  male: 'John',
  female: 'Gina',
  rel: 'Love',
  [Symbol.iterator]: function * () {
    for (let key in this) {
      yield [key, this[key]] // yield [key, value] pair

Though, in most cases it'll be better to iterate over objects using plain loop instead.

Alternatively you could convert your object to iterable array using Object.keys, Object.values or Object.entries (ES7).


If you dont want to use generator syntax, you can use another way define iterator function.

    var options = {
        male: 'John',
        female: 'Gina',
        rel: 'Love',
        [Symbol.iterator]: function () {
            var self = this;
            var values = Object.keys(this);
            var i = 0;
            return {
                next: function () {
                    return {
                        value: self[values[i++]],
                        done: i > values.length

    for (var p of options) {
        console.log(`Property ${p}`);


Plain objects (options in this case) are not iterable in ES6. You need to either define an iterator for your object or do something like:

for(let k of Object.keys(options)) {
  console.log(`Property ${k}, ${options[k]}`);