I have the table below which I am looking to pivot so that the descriptions in column 1 become column headers in the new pivot.
Nominal Group | GrpID | Description | Value | CustomerID
Balance Sheet | 7 | BS description | 56973.10 | 2
Cost of Sales | 4 | COS description | 55950.17 | 2
Sales | 1 | Sales | -178796.18 | 2
Labour Costs | 5 | Wages | 18596.43 | 2
Overheads | 6 | Rent | 47276.48 | 2
I'm using the code below to get the result set below that:
select * from trialbalancegrouping
PIVOT (Sum(value)
for nominalgroupname in ([Sales],[Cost of Sales],[Labour Costs],[Overheads])) AS PVTtable
GrpID | Description | CustomerID | Sales | Cost of Sales | Labour Costs | Overheads
1 | Sales | 2 | -178796.18 | NULL | NULL | NULL
2 |COS Description| 2 | NULL | 55950.17 | NULL | NULL
3 | Labour | 2 | NULL | NULL | 18596.43 | NULL
4 | Overheads | 2 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 47276.48
Ideally, I'd want the output to be one row per customer, like this:
CustomerID | Sales | Cost of Sales | Labour Costs | Overheads
2 | -178796.18 | 55950.17 | 18596.43 | 47276.48