
How are attributes parsed in Boost.PropertyTree?

2020-05-25 06:16发布


Say I have this XML format:

<Widget type="SomeWidget" name="foo">
   <Event name="onmouseover">

How do I read the attributes using Boost.PropertyTree?


If your problem is to get attributes:

The attributes of an XML element are stored in the subkey . There is one child node per attribute in the attribute node. Existence of the node is not guaranteed or necessary when there are no attributes.

From the doc http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_44_0/doc/html/boost_propertytree/parsers.html#boost_propertytree.parsers.xml_parser

So just get them from the <xmlattr> key in the path.


If xml has such content:

<mode fullscreen="true">mode xxx</mode>

Use boost::property code:


Oh yeah, it's ugly!