I noticed that my UITabBar
gets a dark-gray color when I preform loadRequest
in my UIWebView
If I scroll my WebView
during loadRequest
there is a black area
How can I remove this?
I noticed that my UITabBar
gets a dark-gray color when I preform loadRequest
in my UIWebView
If I scroll my WebView
during loadRequest
there is a black area
How can I remove this?
I've had this problem before, and it's related to the content inset of your UIWebView. This black area appears wherever you have a bottom inset set on the scrollview. I was able to fix this by setting the opaque
property of the webview:
self.opaque = NO;
Set for UIWebView opaque NO and clear background color simultaneously:
You need to set the background color to clear as well as making the webView opaque. This doesn't seem to work if you don't also change the backgroundColor to clear.
self.opaque = NO;
self.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
I must disagree with the suggested solutions here. The recommended solution of setting the opaque
and backgroudColor
silently hides the real problem. If you do that, then the front-most UIWebBrowserView
won't cover the entire frame with the black rectangle, and will be transparent -> but the area that was previously black will remain unused, and your content won't be displayed there.
I extracted the UIWebBrowserView and printed out its descriptions when resizing, and it seems to me that it uses rounded values for its content rectangle. As the view's frame bounds are defined as CGFloat
you get rounding issues when you scale the web browser view window (resizing the wrapping view's height/width to a non-integral values).
I managed to fix this problem through rounding the setFrame
arguments of my UIWebView
UIWebView *myWebView;
[myWebView setFrame:CGRectMake(newX, newY, floor(newWidth), floor(newHeight)];
In swift,
webView.opaque = false