Capturing 'shown' event from bootstrap tab

2020-05-24 21:10发布


I have some 'static' HTML on my page:

<div id="DIVISIONS">
    <ul class="nav nav-tabs" id="DIVISIONTABS">
        @* <li> nodes will be injected here by javascript *@
    <div class="tab-content" id="DIVISIONTABPANES">
        @* <div class="tab-pane"> nodes will be injected here by javascript *@

On page load, I create a tab 'framework', i.e. create the bootstrap tabs and tab content containers.

I trigger the process with:

$(window).bind("load", prepareDivisionTabs);

And "prepareDivisionTabs" does this:

function prepareDivisionTabs() {
    // Retrieve basic data for creating tabs
        url: "@Url.Action("GetDivisionDataJson", "League")",
        cache: false
    }).done(function (data) {
        var $tabs = $('#DIVISIONTABS').empty();
        var $panes = $('#DIVISIONTABPANES').empty();
        for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
            var d = data[i];
            $tabs.append("<li><a href=\"#TABPANE" + d.DivisionId + "\" data-toggle=\"tab\">" + NMWhtmlEncode(d.Name) + "</a></li>");
            $panes.append("<div id=\"TABPANE" + d.DivisionId + "\" class=\"tab-pane\"></div>")
    }).fail(function (err) {
        alert("AJAX error in request: " + JSON.stringify(err, null, 2));

For info, the "renderDivisionTabPaneContents" in the above does this:

function renderDivisionTabPaneContents(data) {
    for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
        var d = data[i];

function renderDivisionTabPaneContent(id) {
    var $tabPane = $('#TABPANE' + id);
        url: "/League/GetDivisionPartialView?divisionId=" + id,
        cache: false
    }).done(function (html) {
    }).fail(function (err) {
        alert("AJAX error in request: " + JSON.stringify(err, null, 2));
    }).always(function () {

All good so far. My page loads, my tab contents are rendered, and when I click the different tabs, the relevant content is shown.

Now, rather than loading all content at the start, I want to load tab content just-in-time by using the 'shown' event of the tabs. To test this, I've wanted to just make sure I could get a javascript alert when the tab was shown. So, I create the following to trigger the attachment of tab shown events:

$(function () {

which calls:

function attachTabShownEvents() {
    $(document).on('shown', 'a[data-toggle="tab"]', function (e) {
        alert('TAB CHANGED');

I'd therefore expect so see the "TAB CHANGED" alert after the change of tab. But ... I see no alerts.

Could anybody help me out here?


The correct event binding for tab change is

$(document).on('', 'a[data-toggle="tab"]', function (e) {
    alert('TAB CHANGED');


<a data-toggle="tab" href="#some_special_tab_anchor">

<div id="some_special_tab_anchor" class="tab-pane fade">
    special tab content

            $( 'a[data-toggle="tab"]' ).on( '', function( evt ) {

                var anchor = $( ).attr( 'href' );
                alert("TAB SHOWN = "+anchor);

                // take action based on what tab was shown
               if(anchor === "some_special_tab_anchor"){
                  // do my special thing :)



Use my Nuget package for lazyloading bootstrap tabs here, its very simple, just add "lazyload" class to the "ul" element of bootstrap tabs, then add "data-url" equal to url to load to the any tabs anchor element (a). thats it.


'show' and 'shown' events didn't work for me. My solution is not exactly specifically OP's situation, but the general concepts are there.

I had the same issue with bootstrap forcing its own onclick events on tabs (menu buttons and content panels). I wanted to lazy load stuff into a panel depending on what menu button was clicked, and some buttons show a panel on the current page, others were to load a page into an iframe.

At first, I stuffed data into a hidden form field tag, which was the same issue. The trick is to detect some sort of change and act on that. I solved the problem by forcing a change and using an alternate event listening on the buttons without having to touch bootstrap.

1) stash iframe target in button as data attribute:


2) bind alternate event onto fire off thingy, and inside, swap out the iframe source

   console.log(this+' was activated');

3) force 'change' event on panel shows, then load iframe src


or you can put the change trigger in the mouseup above.


    $(".nav-tabs a").click(function(){
    $('.nav-tabs a').on('', function(event){
        alert('tab shown');