I have a simple Firebase function that updates some data. However, the interpreter says that the first argument contains "undefined" in property 'users.tester1'. Can somebody help me please?
var objify = function() {
var rv = {};
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i)
rv[arguments[i]] = rv[arguments[i+1]];
return rv;
addUser("tester1", []);
var addUser = function(name, edges){
if(!checkIfUsernameExists(name) && !checkIfNodeNameExists(name) && !checkIfEdgeNameExists(name)){
var time = Firebase.ServerValue.TIMESTAMP;
//HERE: I think the error is on this line
refs.users.update(objify(name, "filler"));
"id" : time,
"edges" : "filler"
"to" : "filler",
"from" : "filler"
addNode(new Node(name, time, name));
for(var e in edges){
refs.users.child(name).child("edges/to").update(objify(edges[e].name, true));
addEdge(new Edge(edges[e].name, time, edges[e].to, edges[e].arrows));
//TODO add a "from" edge so that you know who wants to eat you
refs.users.child(name).child("edges/to").set({"filler" : null});
} else {
alert("user/node/edge name taken.");
When you pass an object to Firebase, the values of the properties can be a value or null (in which case the property will be removed). They can not be undefined
, which is what you're passing in according to the error.
Simply running this snippet in isolation shows the problem:
var objify = function() {
var rv = {};
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i)
rv[arguments[i]] = rv[arguments[i+1]];
return rv;
objify("name", "filler")
Results in:
{name: undefined, filler: undefined}
My best bet is that you want to pass key/value pairs into objify
as even/odd parameters. In that case you want to change the function to:
var objify = function() {
var rv = {};
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i+=2)
rv[arguments[i]] = arguments[i+1];
return rv;
objify("name", "filler")
Results in:
{name: "filler"}
to make sure your object does not contain any undefined props use this simple trick:
JSON.parse( JSON.stringify(YourJsonData ) )
For more info take a look at this codePen: http://codepen.io/ajmueller/pen/gLaBLX
Like said above, you need all undefined
values to be null
if you want them to save as empty values in firebase.
I take this approach to correct all nested values.
//to search and replace
const replaceAll =(s="",f="",r="")=> s.replace(new RegExp(f.replace(/[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&'), 'g'), r)
//to save