I'm writing a ToDo list app to help myself get started with Python. The app is running on GAE and I'm storing todo items in the Data Store. I want to display everyone's items to them, and them alone. The problem is that the app currently displays all items to all users, so I can see what you write, and you see what I write. I thought casting my todo.author object to a string and seeing if it matches the user's name would be a good start, but I can't figure out how to do that.
This is what I have in my main.py
user = users.get_current_user()
if user:
nickname = user.nickname()
todos = Todo.all()
template_values = {'nickname':nickname, 'todos':todos}
def post(self):
todo = Todo()
todo.author = users.get_current_user()
todo.item = self.request.get("item")
todo.completed = False
In my index.html I had this originally:
<input type="text" name="item" class="form-prop" placeholder="What needs to be done?" required/>
{% for todo in todos %}
<input type="checkbox"> {{todo.item}} <hr />
{% endfor %}
but I'd like to display items only to the user who created them. I thought of trying
{% for todo in todos %}
{% ifequal todo.author nickname %}
<input type="checkbox"> {{todo.item}} <hr />
{% endifequal %}
{% endfor %}
to no avail. The list turns up blank. I assumed it is because todo.author is not a string. Can I read the value out as a string, or can I cast the object to String?
Edit: Here is my Todo class
class Todo(db.Model):
author = db.UserProperty()
item = db.StringProperty()
completed = db.BooleanProperty()
date = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)
Will changing my author to a StringProperty effect anything negatively? Maybe I can forgo casting altogether.