I have set up github's Electron with ReactJs. So I got a BrowserWindow
and a react app playing nicely in that window. What I'm trying to achieve is to get authenticated with GitHub. So when a user presses the Login with Github
button, a new BrowserWindow
opens and goes to the github authorize app url. The issue I have has to do with the callback and how I will get the code returned from the callback. I've done it with Apache Cordova and the InAppBrowser
but it was different since I was able to use localhost
as a callback.
What I've done so far with electron is opening the new BrowserWindow
but after the authorization I cannot get the code from the callback.
var authWindow = new BrowserWindow({ width: 800, height: 600, show: true, 'always-on-top': true });
var githubUrl = 'https://github.com/login/oauth/authorize?';
var authUrl = githubUrl + 'client_id=' + options.client_id + '&scope=' + options.scope;
authWindow.addListener('page-title-updated', function(stream) {
var url = (typeof stream.url !== 'undefined' ? stream.url : stream.originalEvent.url),
raw_code = /code=([^&]*)/.exec(stream.url) || null,
code = (raw_code && raw_code.length > 1) ? raw_code[1] : null,
error = /\?error=(.+)$/.exec(strean.url);
if (code || error) {
// If there is a code in the callback, proceed to get token from github
if (code) {
// requestToken(code);
} else if (error) {
alert("Oops! Couldn't log authenticate you with using Github.");
Where I'm doing console.log(JSON.stringify(stream));
I get {}
so it's something that has to do the the eventListener
? Any ideas or better approaches?