I want to calculate the rolling 20 day realized volatility for a collection of indices. Here is the code I use to download the index prices, calculate the daily returns and the 20 day realized volatility.
tickers = c("^RUT","^STOXX50E","^HSI", "^N225", "^KS11")
myEnv <- new.env()
getSymbols(tickers, src='yahoo', from = "2003-01-01", env = myEnv)
index <- do.call(merge, c(eapply(myEnv, Ad), all=FALSE))
#Calculate daily returns for all indices and convert to arithmetic returns
index.ret <- exp(CalculateReturns(index,method="compound")) - 1
index.ret[1,] <- 0
#Calculate realized volatility
realizedvol <- rollapply(index.ret, width = 20, FUN=sd.annualized)
Everything works pretty quick until the final line. I haven't timed it but it is on the scale of minutes whereas I would expect it to take only seconds. Is there a faster way to calculate the realized volatility?
Thank you.