Running Python script as root (with sudo) - what i

2020-05-23 19:34发布


I've recently began using ConfigParser() for my python scripts to add some functionality to them for config files. I know how to use it but I have a problem. My script needs to run as the root user, using sudo. The config files are in ~/.config/scriptconfig/ but when you run a script as sudo it temporarily changes users to root, so it doesn't find the config files. What I want to do is get the config file of the effective user so it grabs /home/myuser/.config/scriptconfig/config.cfg instead of /root/.config/scriptconfig/config.cfg, which doesn't exist.

I need the script to be able to run on different machines, not just mine. So I need to get the home directory of the effective user

Here is an example of the code I'm trying to use:

import os, ConfigParser
config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
homepath = os.path.expanduser("~/")
configpath = homepath + ".config/scriptconfig/config.cfg"
get = config.get('Config', 'Example')
print get
It should print the value of example from the config file but when ran as sudo, the path is /home/root so it doesn't find the config file.


If you run your script with sudo (sudo then the environment variable $USER will be root and the environment variable $SUDO_USER will be the name of the user who executed the command sudo This following is simply a clarification of the previous post by Cédric Julien. Consider the following scenario:

A linux user bob is logged into the system and possesses sudo privileges. He writes the following python script named

    import os
    print os.getenv("USER")
    print os.getenv("SUDO_USER")

He then makes the script executable with chmod +x and then executes his script with sudo privileges with the command:

sudo ./

The output of that program will be (using python 2.x.x):


If bob runs the program sans sudo privileges with


he will get the following output:



if you want to get the user that was logged in before launching the sudo command, it is stored in the SUDO_USER environment variable.

import os
sudo_username = os.getenv("SUDO_USER")
home_dir = "/home/" + sudo_username

You also have the SUDO_UID and SUDO_GID for the user id and group id.


This doesn't work.

homepath = os.path.expanduser("~/")

So don't use it.

You want this.

username= os.environ["LOGNAME"]
homepath = os.path.expanduser("~"+username+"/")

Or perhaps this.

 username= pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid())[0]
 homepath = os.path.expanduser("~"+username+"/")