
Displaying PDF files with python3

2020-05-23 16:04发布


I want to write a python3/PyGTK3 application that displays PDF files and I was not able to find a python package that allows me to do that.
There is pypoppler, but it looks outdated (?) and does not seem to support python3 (?)

Do you have any suggestions?

EDIT: Note, that I don't need fancy features, like pdf forms, manipulation or writing.


It turns out, that newer versions of poppler-glib don't require bindings as such. They ship with GObject Introspection files and can therefore be imported and used as follows:


from gi.repository import Poppler

document = Poppler.Document.new_from_file("file:///home/me/some.pdf", None)

That was easy, wasn't it? It took me hours to find that out ...

Note that one needs at least poppler-0.18, if one wants to import GTK as well.

Here is another minimal example with a GUI:


from gi.repository import Poppler, Gtk

def draw(widget, surface):

document = Poppler.Document.new_from_file("file:///home/me/some.pdf", None)
page = document.get_page(0)

window = Gtk.Window(title="Hello World")
window.connect("delete-event", Gtk.main_quit)
window.connect("draw", draw)



This post says that the latest development version of Evince (which I guess will become 3.4 shortly) supports embedding via PyGObject, which would probably work for your purposes.