Android referral tracking does not work

2020-05-23 14:33发布


I am attempting to get Android Referral tracking to work. I am following the only documentation I have found here I have the following in my android manifest file

                <action android:name="" />  
<receiver android:name="com.package.Receiver" android:exported="true">  
                <action android:name="" />  
<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="4"/>  

com.package.Receiver starts with:

public void onReceive(Context paramContext, Intent paramIntent) {  
        String str1 = paramIntent.getStringExtra("referrer");  
        Log.i("myapp", "action: '" + paramIntent.getAction() + "'  
referrer string: '" + str1 + "'"); 

Also with a little bit of decompiling has the following code in it:

public void onReceive(Context ctx, Intent intent)  
/*     */   {  
/*  24 */     String referrer = intent.getStringExtra("referrer");  
/*     */  
/*  26 */     if ((!  
|| (referrer == null))  
/*     */     {  
/*  28 */       return;  
/*     */     }  
/*     */ 
/*  31 */     String formattedReferrer = formatReferrer(referrer);  
/*     */  
/*  33 */     if (formattedReferrer != null) {  
/*  34 */       PersistentEventStore store = new  
/*  35 */       store.setReferrer(formattedReferrer);  
/*  36 */       Log.d("googleanalytics", new  
/*     */     } else {  
/*  38 */       Log.w("googleanalytics", "Badly formatted referrer, ignored");  
/*     */     }  
/*     */   }  

Note the two lines 36 and 38 that Log "googleanalytics" I have tried pushing the above app to the market, downloading it on my Nexus One (after uninstalling a previous version of the app). I have generated a link using the google page I linked to at the beginning of this post

I attached logcat to my Nexus One while I download the app from that link, I do not see any logs from "googleanalytics" or "myapp". The rest of the google analytics library does work for my app. I.E. I see records on google analytics about pages hits etc. However all the traffic sources are "Direct Traffic". I am at a loss as to what is going on. Does anyone have any insight into what I might be doing wrong?


As is often the case I found my own answer. My problem was in my AndroidManifest.xml

I had the following in my manifest:


The receiver tag was in the wrong spot. It should look like this


I am now seeing the logs I expect to when I install the app. In a few hours hopefully Google Analytics will have the data as well.


I have explore quite a lot the referral tracker with analytics for android. You don't need to put the app in the market you can just send a broadcast intent.

Intent i = new Intent("");
//referrer is a composition of the parameter of the campaing
i.putExtra("referrer", referrer);


There can be only one BroadcastReceiver for an action. In your AndroidManifest.xml, you have two listening for

If you want to your receiver AND the Google Analytics receiver to both handle the intent, make your receiver a subclass of AnalyticsReceiver, like this:


class Receiver extends AnalyticsReceiver {
    void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
        super.onReceive(context, intent);

        // Add your custom handling here

Then make sure yours is the only receiver in AndroidManifest.xml:

<receiver android:name="com.package.Receiver" android:exported="true">
    <action android:name="" />