What are the paths that is automatically added by Rails? Let say you have a Question resource you automatically get questions_path, question_path etc. Where do I see what they resolve to and what I get?
This section might be helpful http://guides.rubyonrails.org/routing.html#specifying-a-controller-to-use
Verb Path Action Helper
GET /photos index photos_path
GET /photos/new new new_photo_path
POST /photos create photos_path
GET /photos/:id show photo_path(:id)
GET /photos/:id/edit edit edit_photo_path(:id)
PUT /photos/:id update photo_path(:id)
DELETE /photos/:id destroy photo_path(:id)
If you want to create a helper for show
action you can write
where @photo
is your model object. Or you can pass @photo
directly if it responds to id
You can also load rails console
(in terminal) and test routes using app
like so app.photo_path(1)
(it will show you the route for the photo with id
equals 1
Just use:
rake routes
This will list all routes defined. The first column is relevant for you path helpers.
If you have the following in your routes file:
resources :questions
Then Rails provides the following restful routes for you:
GET /questions index list of questions
GET /questions/new new show new question form
POST /questions create create a new question
GET /questions/:id show show a specific question
GET /questions/:id/edit edit show form to edit question
PUT /questions/:id update update a specific question
DELETE /questions/:id destroy delete a specific question
You can also run rake:routes to see what is being generated.