This is my first experience with AngularUI Router, so I guess I'm making a newbie error and hope somebody can guide me.
I've configured a single-page application to use Angular UI Router in HTML5 mode and it all seems to work as expected.
"$stateProvider", "$urlRouterProvider", "$locationProvider",
function ($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider, $locationProvider) {
$stateProvider.state("concept", {
url: "/concepts/:conceptKey",
templateUrl: "/templates/concept-view.html",
controller: "conceptViewController",
resolve: {
concept: [
"$stateParams", "conceptsApi",
function ($stateParams, conceptsApi) {
return conceptsApi.getConcept($stateParams.conceptKey);
However, the same page also contains some links to other static pages on the same site, using relative URLs. Prior to installing Angular routing, these links worked correctly, but now they are broken. Specifically, clicking any one of these links correctly changes the browser address bar, but does not trigger navigation to that destination page.
I assume I need to add something to tell the routing configuration to ignore certain URL patterns, but I haven't found any information that shows me how to do this. Any suggestions please?
Thanks, Tim