ORM supporting immutable classes

2020-05-21 09:08发布


Which ORM supports a domain model of immutable types?

I would like to write classes like the following (or the Scala equivalent):

class A {
  private final C c; //not mutable

  A(B b) {
     //init c

  A doSomething(B b) {
     // build a new A

The ORM has to initialized the object with the constructor. So it is possible to check invariants in the constructor. Default constructor and field/setter access to intialize is not sufficient and complicates the class' implementation.

Working with collections should be supported. If a collection is changed it should create a copy from the user perspective. (Rendering the old collection state stale. But user code can still work on (or at least read) it.) Much like the persistent data structures work.

Some words about the motivation. Suppose you have a FP-style domain object model. Now you want to persist this to a database. Who do you do that? You want to do as much as you can in a pure functional style until the evil sides effect come in. If your domain object model is not immutable you can for example not share the objects between threads. You have to copy, cache or use locks. So unless your ORM supports immutable types your constrainted in your choice of solution.


UPDATE: I created a project focused on solving this problem called JIRM: https://github.com/agentgt/jirm

I just found this question after implementing my own using Spring JDBC and Jackson Object Mapper. Basically I just needed some bare minimum SQL <-> immutable object mapping.

In short I just use Springs RowMapper and Jackson's ObjectMapper to map Objects back and forth from the database. I use JPA annotations just for metadata (like column name etc...). If people are interested I will clean it up and put it on github (right now its only in my startup's private repo).

Here is a rough idea how it works here is an example bean (notice how all the fields are final):

//skip imports for brevity
public class TestBean {

    private final String stringProp;
    private final long longProp;
    private final Calendar timeTS;

    public TestBean(
            @JsonProperty("stringProp") String stringProp, 
            @JsonProperty("longProp") long longProp,
            @JsonProperty("timeTS") Calendar timeTS ) {
        this.stringProp = stringProp;
        this.longProp = longProp;
        this.timeTS = timeTS;

    public String getStringProp() {
        return stringProp;
    public long getLongProp() {
        return longProp;

    public Calendar getTimeTS() {
        return timeTS;


Here what the RowMapper looks like (notice it mainly delegats to Springs ColumnMapRowMapper and then uses Jackson's objectmapper):

public class SqlObjectRowMapper<T> implements RowMapper<T> {

    private final SqlObjectDefinition<T> definition;
    private final ColumnMapRowMapper mapRowMapper;
    private final ObjectMapper objectMapper;

    public SqlObjectRowMapper(SqlObjectDefinition<T> definition, ObjectMapper objectMapper) {
        this.definition = definition;
        this.mapRowMapper = new SqlObjectMapRowMapper(definition);
        this.objectMapper = objectMapper;

    public SqlObjectRowMapper(Class<T> k) {
        this(SqlObjectDefinition.fromClass(k), new ObjectMapper());

    public T mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException {
        Map<String, Object> m = mapRowMapper.mapRow(rs, rowNum);
        return objectMapper.convertValue(m, definition.getObjectType());


Now I just took Spring JDBCTemplate and gave it a fluent wrapper. Here are some examples:

public void setUp() throws Exception {
    dao = new SqlObjectDao<TestBean>(new JdbcTemplate(ds), TestBean.class);


public void testAll() throws Exception {
    TestBean t = new TestBean(IdUtils.generateRandomUUIDString(), 2L, Calendar.getInstance());
    List<TestBean> list = dao.queryForListByFilter("stringProp", "hello");
    List<TestBean> otherList = dao.select().where("stringProp", "hello").forList();
    assertEquals(list, otherList);
    long count = dao.select().forCount();
    assertTrue(count > 0);

    TestBean newT = new TestBean(t.getStringProp(), 50, Calendar.getInstance());
    TestBean reloaded = dao.reload(newT);
    assertTrue(reloaded != newT);


public void testAdding() throws Exception {
    //This will do a UPDATE test_bean SET longProp = longProp + 100
    int i = dao.update().add("longProp", 100).update();
    assertTrue(i > 0);


public void testRowMapper() throws Exception {
    List<Crap> craps = dao.query("select string_prop as name from test_bean limit ?", Crap.class, 2);

    craps = dao.query("select string_prop as name from test_bean limit ?")

    Crap c = dao.query("select string_prop as name from test_bean limit ?")

    Optional<Crap> absent 
        = dao.query("select string_prop as name from test_bean where string_prop = ? limit ?")

    assertTrue(! absent.isPresent());


public static class Crap {

    private final String name;

    public Crap(@JsonProperty ("name") String name) {
        this.name = name;

    public String getName() {
        return name;


Notice in the above how easy it is to map any query into immutable POJO's. That is you don't need it 1-to-1 of entity to table. Also notice the use of Guava's optionals (last query.. scroll down). I really hate how ORM's either throw exceptions or return null.

Let me know if you like it and I'll spend the time putting it on github (only teste with postgresql). Otherwise with the info above you can easily implement your own using Spring JDBC. I'm starting to really dig it because immutable objects are easier to understand and think about.


Hibernate has the @Immutable annotation.

And here is a guide.


Though not a real ORM, MyBatis may able to do this. I didn't try it though.



AFAIK, there are no ORMs for .NET supporting this feature exactly as you wish. But you can take a look at BLTookit and LINQ to SQL - both provide update-by-comparison semantics and always return new objects on materialization. That's nearly what you need, but I'm not sure about collections there.

Btw, why you need this feature? I'm aware about pure functional languages & benefits of purely imutable objects (e.g. complete thread safety). But in case with ORM all the things you do with such objects are finally transformed to a sequence of SQL commands anyway. So I admit the benefits of using such objects are vaporous here.


You can do this with Ebean and OpenJPA (and I think you can do this with Hibernate but not sure). The ORM (Ebean/OpenJPA) will generate a default constructor (assuming the bean doesn't have one) and actually set the values of the 'final' fields. This sounds a bit odd but final fields are not always strictly final per say.


SORM is a new Scala ORM which does exactly what you want. The code below will explain it better than any words:

// Declare a model:
case class Artist ( name : String, genres : Set[Genre] )
case class Genre ( name : String ) 

// Initialize SORM, automatically generating schema:
import sorm._
object Db extends Instance (
  entities = Set() + Entity[Artist]() + Entity[Genre](),
  url = "jdbc:h2:mem:test"

// Store values in the db:
val metal = Db.save( Genre("Metal") )
val rock = Db.save( Genre("Rock") )
Db.save( Artist("Metallica", Set() + metal + rock) )
Db.save( Artist("Dire Straits", Set() + rock) )

// Retrieve values from the db:
val metallica = Db.query[Artist].whereEqual("name", "Metallica").fetchOne() // Option[Artist]
val rockArtists = Db.query[Artist].whereEqual("genres.name", "Rock").fetch() // Stream[Artist]