numpy.savetxt without hash mark at beginning of he

2020-05-21 08:37发布


When I try to save a matrix with header, a hash mark and a space (# ) appear on the first line:


np.savetxt(filename,data, fmt='%i %i %i %i %s',delimiter='\t',header="a\tb\tc\td\te")


# a b   c   d   e
0   0   0   0   bla
0   0   0   0   bla
1   1   1   1   bla
1   1   1   1   bla

Any hint why? How could I remove it?


it inserts the # because that line is a comment, and the default character for comments is the symbol #, as you can read in the documentation here.

If you want to get rid of it, pass comments='' as option to savetxt.

标签: python numpy