
How to open a file in new tab by default in NERDTr

2020-05-21 08:00发布


I want a file to be opened in a new tab when I enter or double click it. I know there is t shortcut but I always open a file in a new tab and enter is more confortable for me.


Try adding

let NERDTreeMapOpenInTab='\r'


let NERDTreeMapOpenInTab='<ENTER>'

to your .vimrc.



s will open the file currently under the cursor in a new vertically split window. Use t to open in a new tab.


You may want to add https://github.com/Nopik/vim-nerdtree-direnter plugin as well - it fixes the directory opening problem, so enter on directory node will just expand/collapse, not open new tab.


I use following map to do tab traverse :

nnoremap <C-l> gt
nnoremap <C-h> gT


Add this to the plugin. It needs to be added to a file such as: ~/.vim/nerdtree_plugin/mymapping.vim. The exact location will depend on what plugin manager you use for vim. e.g. for Plugged it is ~/.vim/plugged/nerdtree/nerdtree_plugin/mymapping.vim

This code adds a mapping for the enter key to open files in a new tab while just expanding/collapsing directories. For the new tabs it also mirrors the NERDTree so it can be shared between tabs.

call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({
  \ 'key': '<CR>',
  \ 'scope': "Node",
  \ 'callback': 'OpenInNewTab',
  \ 'quickhelpText': 'open node' })

" FUNCTION: s:openInNewTab(target) {{{1
function! OpenInNewTab(node)
  if a:node.path.isDirectory
    call a:node.activate()
    call a:node.activate({'where': 't'})
    call g:NERDTreeCreator.CreateMirror()
    wincmd l


As described in section NERDTreeCustomOpenArgs of the NerdTree help, you can use this option to control the opening behavior of files and directories. Add the following statement to your .vimrc:

let NERDTreeCustomOpenArgs={'file':{'where': 't'}}

This ensures in this case that only files in a new tab are opened. All other combinations can be found in the help.


For the double-click event specifically, it is (only?) possible by slightly changing the NERDtree source code (posted here):


标签: vim nerdtree