I am working with resampling data frame and it works on hours, days mins, but doesn't resample less then sec. Program just hangs even on short time span. So am I missing something?
I tried 0.000001S, U etc... Nothing worked so far.
my time format: 2015-08-29 19:30:47.015506
you can see varable sf represent resampling freq.
grph = df.set_index('Date and Time').resample(sf, len).astype(int)
How can I resample data frame on micro seconds granularity?
sf = "1U" #for one microsecond
For milliseconds/microseconds/seconds use:
L milliseonds
U microseconds
S seconds
Full doc:
B business day frequency
C custom business day frequency (experimental)
D calendar day frequency
W weekly frequency
M month end frequency
BM business month end frequency
CBM custom business month end frequency
MS month start frequency
BMS business month start frequency
CBMS custom business month start frequency
Q quarter end frequency
BQ business quarter endfrequency
QS quarter start frequency
BQS business quarter start frequency
A year end frequency
BA business year end frequency
AS year start frequency
BAS business year start frequency
BH business hour frequency
H hourly frequency
T minutely frequency
S secondly frequency
L milliseonds
U microseconds
N nanoseconds
If I understand your problem correctly you can't resample microseconds to another frequency that is less than a second, right? I made a toy example and there doesn't seem to be a problem though:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
index=pd.date_range('22/10/2010', periods=100000, freq='U')
This gives the expected output.
(I think your problem is that you are trying to resample data that are in a microsecond format to microseconds itself, which doesn't make any sense. You want to either upsample or downsample (as in my example).)