struggling to install PHP pecl on Centos

2020-05-21 04:47发布


I'm trying to install the php_http PHP extension on my CentOS server.

I have done:

yum install php-pear

But get:

No package php-pear available

Yet I can do:


And get a list of commands from Pear.

Same for yum install pecl. I can do pecl but pecl install pecl_http returns:

No releases available for package ""
install failed

Yet /usr/bin/pecl isn't a directory that exists. Also a sudo pecl install pecl_http returns sudo: pecl: command not found, which I find quite odd.

I'm not entirely sure what's going on here/what I'm doing wrong.

edit: I am using the following repos:

base                         CentOS-6 - Base
epel                         Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 6 - x86_64
extras                       CentOS-6 - Extras
rpmforge                     RHEL 6 - - dag
updates                      CentOS-6 - Updates
vz-base                      vz-base
vz-updates                   vz-updates                                                            


Step 1) import the REMI repo

CentOS 5

rpm -Uvh;
rpm -Uvh;

CentOS 6

rpm -Uvh;
rpm -Uvh;

Step 2) install php-pear

yum --enablerepo=remi,remi-php55 install php-pear

Step 3) install pecl_http

pecl install pecl_http


On CentOS,

  1. Install PHP Pear if not installed yet:

    # yum install php-pear
  2. Install GCC if not installed yet:

    # yum install gcc
  3. Install cURL if not installed yet:

    # yum install curl-devel
  4. Install following libraries if not installed yet:

    # yum install php-devel
    # yum install zlib-devel
    # yum install pcre-devel
  5. Start the main installation:

    # pecl install pecl_http
  6. Add the following line to /etc/php.ini file
  7. Restart apache server so the extension can be loaded

    # service httpd restart

You can check if it installed successfully or not:

# pecl list


For other people having this problem. I discovered this question while trying to figure out why I was having the same problem. Turned out the default configuration at my hosting provider was to include php* in the exclude directive for yum. Check /etc/yum.conf and make sure that the package you're trying to install isn't matched by an entry in the exclude directive.


if you are running php 7 you might want to try this

yum install php70w-pear

if you get any errors, be sure to uninstall the pear package from any previous attempts

yum remove php-pear

best of luck


If you are using php 5.4.x, IMO best repo to use is iuscommunity. Its very stable and used by Rackspace to do only PHP and a few other packages for CentOS.

rpm -Uhv

yum install php54-pear

Mind you, the reason why its php54-pear and not php-pear is because 5.3 and 5.4 both are compiled in the repository. Here is the list of php packages ->

I tested this and it works, but I only use EPEL and iuscommunity REPO's. I avoid using rpmforge myself.


After watching a lot of threads and installing pear and all the devtool, I finally solved it installing this extension:

yum install php-pecl-mongo

as I seen in -


Centos 6.5 and php7:

sudo su -

yum install yum-utils

you can get last version of lua :


tar -xvzf  lua-2.0.4.tgz

cd lua-2.0.4

mkdir  /usr/include/lua

mv * /usr/include/lua

yum install gcc

yum install php70w-pearl php70w-devel

yum install curl-devel

yum install zlib-devel

yum install pcre-devel

ln -s /usr/include/lua.h /usr/include/lua/lua.h

rpm -Uvh

yum-config-manager --enable remi-php70

yum update 

yum --enablerepo=remi,remi-php70 install php70w-pear

yum install lua-devel lua-static

pecl install lua-2.0.4


Whatever your PHP provider is (IUS, Remi or Webtatic), the pear package and the pecl extensions "should" be available there, without any need to compile it from sources (which is usually discouraged, especially on production)

At least "remi" provides most extensions, see the list

So installation should be as simple as

yum install php-pecl-http
yum install php-pecl-lua

And, don't forget to read the Wizard instructions