In React's this.state I have a property called formErrors
containing the following dynamic array of objects.
{fieldName: 'title', valid: false},
{fieldName: 'description', valid: true},
{fieldName: 'cityId', valid: false},
{fieldName: 'hostDescription', valid: false},
Let's say I would need to update state's object having the fieldName cityId
to the valid value of true
What's the easiest or most common way to solve this?
I'm OK to use any of the libraries immutability-helper, immutable-js etc or ES6. I've tried and googled this for over 4 hours, and still cannot wrap my head around it. Would be extremely grateful for some help.
You can use map
to iterate the data and check for the fieldName, if fieldName is cityId then you need to change the value and return a new object otherwise just return
the same object
Write it like this:
var data = [
{fieldName: 'title', valid: false},
{fieldName: 'description', valid: true},
{fieldName: 'cityId', valid: false},
{fieldName: 'hostDescription', valid: false},
var newData = data.map(el => {
if(el.fieldName == 'cityId')
return Object.assign({}, el, {valid:true})
return el
this.setState({ data: newData });
Here is a sample example - ES6
The left is the code, and the right is the output
Here is the code below
const data = [
{ fieldName: 'title', valid: false },
{ fieldName: 'description', valid: true },
{ fieldName: 'cityId', valid: false }, // old data
{ fieldName: 'hostDescription', valid: false },
const newData = data.map(obj => {
if(obj.fieldName === 'cityId') // check if fieldName equals to cityId
return {
valid: true,
description: 'You can also add more values here' // Example of data extra fields
return obj
const result = { data: newData };
this.setState({ data: newData });
Hope this helps,
Happy Coding!
How about immutability-helper? Works very well. You're looking for the $merge
command I think.
@FellowStranger: I have one (and only one) section of my redux state that is an array of objects. I use the index in the reducer to update the correct entry:
return state.map( (sigmap, index) => {
if ( index !== action.payload.index ) {
return sigmap;
} else {
return update(sigmap, {$merge: {
data_type: action.payload.value
Frankly, this is kind of greasy, and I intend to change that part of my state object, but it does work... It doesn't sound like you're using redux but the tactic should be similar.
Instead of storing your values in an array, I strongly suggest using an object instead so you can easily specify which element you want to update. In the example below the key is the fieldName but it can be any unique identifier:
var fields = {
title: {
valid: false
description: {
valid: true
then you can use immutability-helper's update
var newFields = update(fields, {title: {valid: {$set: true}}})