Replacing the 'auto_link' method in Ruby o

2019-01-22 17:38发布


I am using Ruby on Rails 3.0.7 and I know that in the 3.1 version there won't be the auto_link method anymore (see the actionpack/lib/action_view/helpers/text_helper.rb for RoR 3.1).

Is there another way to have similar functions as the old auto_link method? That is, how can I replace that useful method in Ruby on Rails 3.1?

BTW: why will the auto_link method will be removed?


Rinku is a drop-in replacement for Rails 3.1 auto_link.

Auto-linking functionality has been removed from Rails 3.1, and is instead offered as a standalone gem, rails_autolink. You can choose to use Rinku instead.

require 'rails_rinku'

The rails_rinku package monkeypatches Rails with an auto_link method that mimics 100% the original one, parameter per parameter. It's just faster.


Not sure why, but Aaron Patterson (Rails Core team) seem to have the gem for this as well (which worked fine for me, YMMV)