Obtain a link to a specific email in GMail

2020-05-20 05:52发布


How can I obtain a link (a URL) to a specific email in GMail? I want to click that link and open the specific email.


I don't think Gmail can show one email, it always shows a thread. You can look for one message, but still will see the whole thread.

If this is OK for you, the URL is


followed by the message ID (can be found by looking at "show original").

See this question for some more details.


I don't know about a specific "email", but you can view a specific thread (which is usually one email) by clicking in the URL bar and copying that. Then, change the label to "all".

So if the url is "https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#inbox/abc123def456", you would change "#inbox" to say "#all" like this: "https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#all/abc123def456"

Now the link will work, even after you archive it and it's not in your inbox.


Since Google introduced the integration of Google Tasks and Gmail a few weeks ago, one way you can get the URL of a specific Gmail email us:

  1. Turn a given Gmail email into a Google Task;
  2. Open the task editing window (you can't perform the next task from the task display, it only seems to work when the task editing function is invoked);
  3. Hover over the link to the originating Gmail email in the next task you just created (the link is at the bottom of the task display);
  4. Use that URL to access the specific Gmail email by clicking on the link in the corresponding Google task or just pop the URL into the URL bar of any browser or other workflow (of course, the session must be logged in to the relevant Google account).
