Java 8 stream objects significant memory usage

2020-05-20 05:25发布


In looking at some profiling results, I noticed that using streams within a tight loop (used instead of another nested loop) incurred a significant memory overhead of objects of types and java.util.ArrayList$ArrayListSpliterator. I converted the offending streams to foreach loops, and the memory consumption decreased significantly.

I know that streams make no promises about performing any better than ordinary loops, but I was under the impression that the difference would be negligible. In this case it seemed like it was a 40% increase.

Here is the test class I wrote to isolate the problem. I monitored memory consumption and object allocation with JFR:

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.function.Predicate;

public class StreamMemoryTest {

    private static boolean blackHole = false;

    public static List<Integer> getRandListOfSize(int size) {
        ArrayList<Integer> randList = new ArrayList<>(size);
        Random rnGen = new Random();
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        return randList;

    public static boolean getIndexOfNothingManualImpl(List<Integer> nums, Predicate<Integer> predicate) {

        for (Integer num : nums) {
            // Impossible condition
            if (predicate.test(num)) {
                return true;
        return false;

    public static boolean getIndexOfNothingStreamImpl(List<Integer> nums, Predicate<Integer> predicate) {
        Optional<Integer> first =;
        return first.isPresent();

    public static void consume(boolean value) {
        blackHole = blackHole && value;

    public static boolean result() {
        return blackHole;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // 100 million trials
        int numTrials = 100000000;
        System.out.println("Beginning test");
        for (int i = 0; i < numTrials; i++) {
            List<Integer> randomNums = StreamMemoryTest.getRandListOfSize(100);
            consume(StreamMemoryTest.getIndexOfNothingStreamImpl(randomNums, x -> x < 0));
            // or ...
            // consume(StreamMemoryTest.getIndexOfNothingManualImpl(randomNums, x -> x < 0));
            if (randomNums == null) {

Stream implementation:

Memory Allocated for TLABs 64.62 GB

Class   Average Object Size(bytes)  Total Object Size(bytes)    TLABs   Average TLAB Size(bytes)    Total TLAB Size(bytes)  Pressure(%)
java.lang.Object[]                          415.974 6,226,712   14,969  2,999,696.432   44,902,455,888  64.711$2        64      131,264     2,051   2,902,510.795   5,953,049,640   8.579$Head     56      72,744      1,299   3,070,768.043   3,988,927,688   5.749$2$1      24      25,128      1,047   3,195,726.449   3,345,925,592   4.822
java.util.Random                            32      30,976      968     3,041,212.372   2,943,893,576   4.243
java.util.ArrayList                         24      24,576      1,024   2,720,615.594   2,785,910,368   4.015$FindSink$OfRef     24      18,864      786     3,369,412.295   2,648,358,064   3.817
java.util.ArrayList$ArrayListSpliterator    32      14,720      460     3,080,696.209   1,417,120,256   2.042

Manual implementation:

Memory Allocated for TLABs 46.06 GB

Class   Average Object Size(bytes)  Total Object Size(bytes)    TLABs   Average TLAB Size(bytes)    Total TLAB Size(bytes)  Pressure(%)
java.lang.Object[]      415.961     4,190,392       10,074      4,042,267.769       40,721,805,504  82.33
java.util.Random        32          32,064          1,002       4,367,131.521       4,375,865,784   8.847
java.util.ArrayList     24          14,976          624         3,530,601.038       2,203,095,048   4.454

Has anyone else encountered issues with the stream objects themselves consuming memory? / Is this a known issue?


Using Stream API you indeed allocate more memory, though your experimental setup is somewhat questionable. I've never used JFR, but my findings using JOL are quite similar to yours.

Note that you measure not only the heap allocated during the ArrayList querying, but also during its creation and population. The allocation during the allocation and population of single ArrayList should look like this (64bits, compressed OOPs, via JOL):

     1       416       416   [Ljava.lang.Object;
     1        24        24   java.util.ArrayList
     1        32        32   java.util.Random
     1        24        24   java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong
     4                 496   (total)

So the most memory allocated is the Object[] array used inside ArrayList to store the data. AtomicLong is a part of Random class implementation. If you perform this 100_000_000 times, then you should have at least 496*10^8/2^30 = 46.2 Gb allocated in both tests. Nevertheless this part could be skipped as it should be identical for both tests.

Another interesting thing here is inlining. JIT is smart enough to inline the whole getIndexOfNothingManualImpl (via java -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+PrintCompilation -XX:+PrintInlining StreamMemoryTest):

  StreamMemoryTest::main @ 13 (59 bytes)
     @ 30   StreamMemoryTest::getIndexOfNothingManualImpl (43 bytes)   inline (hot)
       @ 1   java.util.ArrayList::iterator (10 bytes)   inline (hot)
        \-> TypeProfile (2132/2132 counts) = java/util/ArrayList
         @ 6   java.util.ArrayList$Itr::<init> (6 bytes)   inline (hot)
           @ 2   java.util.ArrayList$Itr::<init> (26 bytes)   inline (hot)
             @ 6   java.lang.Object::<init> (1 bytes)   inline (hot)
       @ 8   java.util.ArrayList$Itr::hasNext (20 bytes)   inline (hot)
        \-> TypeProfile (215332/215332 counts) = java/util/ArrayList$Itr
         @ 8   java.util.ArrayList::access$100 (5 bytes)   accessor
       @ 17   java.util.ArrayList$Itr::next (66 bytes)   inline (hot)
         @ 1   java.util.ArrayList$Itr::checkForComodification (23 bytes)   inline (hot)
         @ 14   java.util.ArrayList::access$100 (5 bytes)   accessor
       @ 28   StreamMemoryTest$$Lambda$1/791452441::test (8 bytes)   inline (hot)
        \-> TypeProfile (213200/213200 counts) = StreamMemoryTest$$Lambda$1
         @ 4   StreamMemoryTest::lambda$main$0 (13 bytes)   inline (hot)
           @ 1   java.lang.Integer::intValue (5 bytes)   accessor
       @ 8   java.util.ArrayList$Itr::hasNext (20 bytes)   inline (hot)
         @ 8   java.util.ArrayList::access$100 (5 bytes)   accessor
     @ 33   StreamMemoryTest::consume (19 bytes)   inline (hot)

Disassembly actually shows that no allocation of iterator is performed after warm-up. Because escape analysis successfully tells JIT that iterator object does not escape, it's simply scalarized. Were the Iterator actually allocated it would take additionally 32 bytes:

     1        32        32   java.util.ArrayList$Itr
     1                  32   (total)

Note that JIT could also remove iteration at all. Your blackhole is false by default, so doing blackhole = blackhole && value does not change it regardless of the value, and value calculation could be excluded at all, as it does not have any side effects. I'm not sure whether it actually did this (reading disassembly is quite hard for me), but it's possible.

However while getIndexOfNothingStreamImpl also seems to inline everything inside, escape analysis fails as there are too many interdependent objects inside the stream API, so actual allocations occur. Thus it really adds five additional objects (the table is composed manually from JOL outputs):

     1        32        32   java.util.ArrayList$ArrayListSpliterator
     1        24        24$FindSink$OfRef
     1        64        64$2
     1        24        24$2$1
     1        56        56$Head
     5                 200   (total)

So every invocation of this particular stream actually allocates 200 additional bytes. As you perform 100_000_000 iterations, in total Stream version should allocate 10^8*200/2^30 = 18.62Gb more than manual version which is close to your result. I think, AtomicLong inside Random is scalarized as well, but both Iterator and AtomicLong are present during the warmup iterations (until JIT actually creates the most optimized version). This would explain the minor discrepancies in the numbers.

This additional 200 bytes allocation does not depend on the stream size, but depends on the number of intermediate stream operations (in particular, every additional filter step would add 64+24=88 bytes more). However note that these objects are usually short-lived, allocated quickly and can be collected by minor GC. In most of real-life applications you probably should not have to worry about this.


Not only more memory due to the infrastructure that is needed to build the Stream API. But also, it might to be slower in terms of speed (at least for this small inputs).

There is this presentation from one of the developers from Oracle (it is in russian, but that is not the point) that shows a trivial example (not much more complicated then yours) where the speed of execution is 30% worse in case of Streams vs Loops. He says that's pretty normal.

One thing that I've notice that not a lot of people realize is that using Streams (lambda's and method references to be more precise) will also create (potentially) a lot of classes that you will not know about.

Try to run your example with :


And see how many additional classes will be created by your code and the code that Streams need (via ASM)