Linking your app to an EXISTING page

2020-05-20 04:03发布


I've searched and searched and can't seem to find any info in regards to this...

We have a facebook page ( We also have an app on facebook ( I can create a NEW community page from the app, but i cant link it to the existing page. How come? Is there any way to do so?

There's plenty of similiar questions and no one has had an answer yet.

Thanks for the help!


You should go to edit your page and change the category to Brands & Products and sub-category to App Page. Then go to app details and select this page as app page.


@Muhammad Javeed - Thanks to you, I finally figured this out!

For those who need a little help, this was what I did.

  1. Goto your existing Facebook Page
  2. Click on 'Edit Page' button and select 'Edit Settings' from drop down menu.
  3. Click on 'Page Info' on the settings page.
  4. Click on 'Category' to expand selections.
  5. Select 'Brands & Products' in 1st drop down and 'App Page' in the 2nd drop down.
  6. Click 'Save Changes' and that's it.
  7. Go back to your App Developer Page > App Details > Contact Info > App Page > Link to your Page.

Unless Facebook changes the menu/settings page dramatically, I can confirm this works!


I have done significant research into this. There is no way to do this (though it's such a common use case where someone already has an active fan page and launching an app later)

Earlier every app used to have a profile page (which was not like fan page) and facebook at the start of the year gave ever app admin to move their likes to another fan page. This option has been removed.

There is another way that I have discovered.

  • Create fan page for the app (from app details section) by clicking "Create Fan Page"
  • Goto pages and select this newly created fan page and rename it to be the same as the other active fan page(with which you initially wanted to link to). This is needed because merge option appear when 2 pages have same name and same category.
  • Goto your active (original) fan page, click edit page, goto resource and click on merge pages and do the marge.

However as someone has already reported, there is a bug in the system, on merging it removes the app link (something that will be fixed soon). Here is the link to the bug.


I tried the other answers but didn't worked for me.

What worked for my case is that I needed to make the name of the fb page & app's name match EXACTLY. And after making them the same I now see a dropdown and then selected the right fb page.

If you've linked them correctly you should see a new button called "Play Now" on your page, if its a game app.

Check it on this page


Create a second Page on App Advance Settings. Now go to the other first Page Settings you have and Merge.


I have been struggling with this same issue. It appears that the name do not need to match entirely but at least the app name needs to start with (part of) the page name. I found this since the page name was longer than the allowed max name length of the app. Paul


as on Nov 17th, 2017.

App page itself is a category, selecting this category would be the only option. Also, Fb App name and Fb Page name must be the same for integrating existing page.


Are you talking about adding a tab for your app ( to your existing page (

If so, then go to your page ( and in the URL type in


That should automatically direct to a form asking you which 'page' you would like to add a tab to. Select the page from the drop down list and click ok. That should redirect you to your app canvas url. Navigate back to your company page and see if the tab appears at the bottom of the list on the left hand side.


标签: facebook web