Using Rails 3.1 jquery_ujs, I have a link with :remote => true, and the controller new action responds with js and render new.js.erb which contains:
$('#post-form').html('<%= escape_javascript(render(:partial => "form")) %>');
It renders the _form.html.erb partial. This works.
Now I want to use Coffeescript, but renaming new.js.erb to doesn't work. Does the asset pipeline only work in app/assets? What am I doing wrong? Thanks.
I had this same issue using Rails 3.1.0. Try renaming your file to just
. It should still render erb despite not having the extension on the filename.
It's definitely confusing that view templates don't follow the same conventions as the asset pipeline.
If you wish to keep the
extension here's a piece of code for Rails 4 to have Rails recognize the file as a valid view template:
# config/initializers/coffee_erb_handler.rb
ActionView::Template.register_template_handler 'coffee.erb', Coffee::Rails::TemplateHandler # without this there will be template not found error
class ActionView::PathResolver < ActionView::Resolver
EXTRACT_METHODS = %w{extract_handler_and_format_and_variant extract_handler_and_format} # name for rails 4.1 resp. 4.0
method_name = EXTRACT_METHODS.detect{|m| method_defined?(m) || private_method_defined?(m)}
raise 'unknown extract method name' if method_name.nil?
old_method_name = "old_#{method_name}"
alias_method old_method_name, method_name
define_method(method_name) do |path, default_formats|
self.send(old_method_name, path.gsub(/\.js\.coffee\.erb$/, ''), default_formats)
(This is a contribution by cervinka on coffee-rails issue #36)