How to handle the Xcode warning “no previous proto

2020-05-19 17:49发布


This warning is popping up a bunch in some third party libraries.

Is there a way to handle it without modifying the code (e.g. ignore the warning)?

If I have to modify the code to fix it how do I do it?

Here's one of the code blocks that's causing a warning:

BOOL FBIsDeviceIPad() {
  if (UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad) {
   return YES;
  return NO;


Usually with warnings like this you can just define a function prototype at the top of your file, for instance:

BOOL FBIsDeviceIPad();

But in C a method with nothing between the braces, i.e. () actually implies there are an arbitrary number of parameters. Instead the definition should become (void) to denote no parameters:

BOOL FBIsDeviceIPad(void);


BOOL FBIsDeviceIPad(void) {
  if (UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad) {
   return YES;
  return NO;


In Xcode4, go to your project's Build Settings. Search for "prototype". There should be an option called "Missing Function Prototypes"; disable it. You can also do this to the specific target(s) in question.


There are no warnings if such a function is defined as inline.

This may suffice as long as your function is optimized for inline use.