I have a DLL which needs to access data stored in STL containers in the host application. Because C++ has no standard ABI, and I want to support different compilers, the interface between the application and DLL basically has to remain plain-old-data.
For vectors this is relatively straightforward. You can simply return the memory block of the vector, because it is guaranteed to be contigious:
// To return vector<int> data
virtual void GetVectorData(const int*& ptr, size_t& count) const
if (!vec.empty())
ptr = &(vec.front());
count = vec.size();
Now the DLL can have safe read-only access to the vector's data via that interface. The DLL can also wrap this to copy the contents in to a vector for itself as well.
What about STL lists (and deques) though? Is there another straightforward way to allow access via a DLL boundary? Or will I have to resort to some kind of GetFirst()/GetNext() interface? I might need to do this for a lot of lists, so it'd be nice to have a solution as simple as vector's.
Perhaps you can pass something like "handles" to list/deque iterators? These handle types would be opaque and declared in a header file you would ship to the users. Internally, you would need to map the handle values to list/deque iterators. Basically, the user would write code like:
ListHandle lhi = GetListDataBegin();
const ListHandle lhe = GetListDataEnd();
while (lhi != lhe)
int value = GetListItem(lhi);
lhi = GetNextListItem(lhi);
You can pass stl objects between DLLs and support different compilers if you are careful where you instantiate each stl type. You need some intelligent "DLLEXPORT" macros -- I use the following set to successfully support VC and gcc.
#ifdef WIN32
#ifdef MYDLLLIB_EXPORTS // DLL export macros
#define MYDLLLIB_API __declspec(dllexport)
#define MYDLLLIB_API __declspec(dllimport)
#define MYDLLLIB_TEMPLATE extern
#else // Not windows --- probably *nix/bsd
#define MYDLLLIB_TEMPLATE extern
#endif // WIN32
When compiling your DLL, define MYDLLLIB_EXPORTS. In the DLL you can then instantiate each stl type you wish to use, for example, lists or vectors of strings
MYDLLLIB_TEMPLATE template class MYDLLLIB_API std::vector<std::string>;
MYDLLLIB_TEMPLATE template class MYDLLLIB_API std::list<std::string>;
Consumers of your DLL (who don't have MYDLLLIB_EXPORTS defined) will then see
extern template class __declspec(dllimport) std::vector<std::string>;
and use the binary code exported from your DLL instead of instantiating their own.
the interface between the application
and DLL basically has to remain
Not necessarily. You have to be sure that the same compiler version is used. Also, build settings that impact the layout of the STL objects is exactly the same between the dll and application.
If you were to release the dll out into the wild, you are right to be concerned with exposing STL across dll boundaries. If, however, everything is under your control and purely internal (or if you can rigidly enforce 3rd party build settings/compiler) you should be fine.