I am currently hosting my personal website (created using blogdown and Hugo) using Netlify at wjakethompson.com. This is deployed through a Github repository.
I now have a bookdown project in a separate repository that I would also like to host on Netlify, while leveraging the custom domain that I have set up for my personal website.
Currently, this bookdown project is being hosted on the Netlify subdomin (i.e., wjakethompson-dissertation.netlify.com). However, I would prefer to use my custom domain and have this second repo hosted at wjakethompson.com/disseration (preferred) or dissertation.wjakethompson.com. This is basically what Github pages does (hosting a project page as a subpage of the user page), but I have found Netlify to be much easier for hosting my personal webpage, so would like to continue using Netlify if possible.
Is there a way to host a second webpage leveraging custom domain in this way using Netlify?