List all embedded resources in a folder

2019-01-22 17:08发布


In my solution a had a folder with a few files. All this files have the Build Action "Embedded Resource".

With this code I can get a file:

assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(assembly.GetName().Name + ".Folder.File.txt");

But is there any way to get all *.txt files in this folder? A list of names or a method to iterate through them all?


You could check out


which returns an array of strings of all the resources contained. You could then filter that list to find all your *.txt files stored as embedded resources.

See MSDN docs for GetManifestResourceNames for details.


Try this, returns an array with all .txt files inside Folder directory.

private string[] GetAllTxt()
    var executingAssembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
    string folderName = string.Format("{0}.Resources.Folder", executingAssembly.GetName().Name);
    return executingAssembly
        .Where(r => r.StartsWith(folderName) && r.EndsWith(".txt"))
        //.Select(r => r.Substring(constantResName.Length + 1))

NOTE: Uncomment the //.Select(... line in order to get the filename.


have a try with this. here you get all files

string[] embeddedResources = Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(T)).GetManifestResourceNames();

T is of course your type. so you can use it generic


Just cracked this, use:

Assembly _assembly;
_assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
List<string> filenames = new List<string>();
filenames = _assembly.GetManifestResourceNames().ToList<string>();
List<string> txtFiles = new List<string>();
for (int i = 0; i < filenames.Count(); i++)
    string[] items = filenames.ToArray();
    if (items[i].ToString().EndsWith(".txt"))

标签: c# wpf resources