I want an easy to use grid framework for my current web project. These are the features i would appreciate:
- fluid grid layout: boxes that can be aligned horizontally (side by side), each having the same height (for example a 3-column layout), working with 100% width
- responsiveness: adapts automatically when resizing the browser window
- mobile devices: shows an alternate fitting layout for pads and mobile phones
- text size: optionally adjust text sizes dynamically (for example full width headlines)
- image size: optionally adjust images sizes dynamically (for example full width image galleries)
- breakpoints: optionally define width values which trigger events which alter the layout (for example removing buttons if the width is fallen below a threshold)
I found many grids, but narrowed it down to the following three promising frameworks that might be a good fit for my requirements:
Semantic Grid
Golden Grid System
Here are all the others:
CSS Grid(not fluid)320 and Up(not fluid)Columnal(not fluid)Skeleton(not fluid)SimpleGrid(not fluid)Less Framework(not fluid)Bootstrap(non-semantic classes)Breakpoints.js(only breakpoints, too similar to media queries)Adaptive images(only images)FitText(only text)Gridset(commercial)HTML5 Boilerplate(old)
Normally, i would test them myself before asking here so that i can formulate more specific questions. But due to the vast amount of frameworks i'd like to hear some pointers where to begin.
- How are your experiences with these or other similar frameworks?
- Do you recommend a specific framework that matches my requirements?
I ended up using Foundation
which is clearly the winner in this race - in my humble opinion.
Update 2
Bootstrap 3 is a real competition now, because it supports semantic grid classes too. And it supports SASS as well as LESS.