I am implementing a Java class responsible for ordering java.util.List. The problem comes when I use this class. I'm able to ordering the list but I want to copy the "original" list without modification so that I could register every change made on the original list. The sorted list contains object and one of its fields stores a classification id, and this id it is updated with the index value of the list.
I tried to use clone method and it keeps the list unsorted but the changes made on original list are updated in the clone list too.
Is there any way to accomplish it?
My Code:
List<Torero> listaTorero = tbTlgTorerolHome.findByExample(new Torero());
List<Torero> listaToreroTemp = ((List<Torero>) ((ArrayList<Torero>) listaTorero).clone());
Clasificacion clasificacion = new Clasificacion();
Iterator<Torero> iterTorero = clasificacion.getClasificacion(listaTorero, torero).iterator(); //Sorting List
A Clasificacion method:
public List<Torero> getClasificacion(List<Torero> listaToreroTemp, Torero torero)
List<Torero> listaTorero = new ArrayList<Torero>();
Collections.sort(listaToreroTemp,new ToreroClasifiacionComparator());
Iterator<Torero> iterTorero = listaToreroTemp.iterator();
int index=1;
Torero toreroTemp = iterTorero.next();
return listaTorero;