Can't get rid of Apple LLVM 5.0 Error

2020-05-19 03:49发布


It keeps saying:

fatal error: file '/Applications/'

has been modified since the precompiled header

'/Users/jackiexu/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/ModuleCache/2MWVPCGUMQ29P/ObjectiveC.pcm' was built

note: after modifying system headers, please delete the module cache at '/Users/jackiexu/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/ModuleCache/2MWVPCGUMQ29P'

1 error generated.

I must have deleted the derived data at least five times by now, and I'm getting nowhere. Any ideas?


Open a terminal and type in : rm -rf ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/ModuleCache/*

Clean your project and build again. Worked for me.


Delete the folder, clean the app, restart Xcode if necessary.


as per xcode 5.

  1. click on Xcode preferences
  2. Goto locations tab
  3. click on the derived data path which navigates to the folder called DerivedData
  4. Delete the whole folder and restart xcode.

This works fine for me.

Happy coding :)


Have you tried reinstalling xcode? And have you cleaned using cmd+shift+k ?


The same thing was occuring to me. The warning was telling me:

After modifying system headers, please delete the module cache at '/Users/yunus.mehel/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/ModuleCache/13XL2DHZVON89'

So, I have restarted xcode, deleted derived data from Organizer, deleted derived data from the derivedData folder; none of them worked. Then I have realized, the solution was already there; go to:


and delete that folder, not the "DerivedData/<your_project>". Make a clean build, it will work again.


Run this script to delete all relevant files in /Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData and /var/folders:

# run with
# ruby reallyCleanXcode.rb
derivedDataFolder = Dir.glob(Dir.home + "/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/*")
moduleCache = Dir.glob("/var/folders/**/*")
FileUtils.rm_rf derivedDataFolder + moduleCache


This happen when compiling, when running the app or neither?

Have you tried this:

Build Settings - Build Locations - Precompiled Header Cache Path -- there's a folder... delete it.


I solved this by:

Quit restart Xcode + clean project + clean build folders + clean derived data + deleted the /var/folders/.../.../C/ + unplugged my iPhone

Rebuild and works :)


I was having the same problem. I did SHFT+CMD+K and tried to run,again the error appeared. My error pointed to the NSJSONSerialization header file. So what I did is deleted the files in ModuleCache and the project seems working now. I had changed my code which used NSJSonSerialization thinking it to be wrong, and project started working with the code also :)

To delete the files -- Click on 'Go' in the Desktop and then 'Go to folder' then type the folder path (Eg : 'Library/.…./ModuleCache') and delete all the files.

Regards, ASK


Please follow below steps to get rid from your problem.


Delete all Folders inside ModuleCache Folder.

Make a clean build, quit Xcode and run it again

sure ,it will work fine.

Good Luck !!!


my solution,

in terminal, run command:

rm -rf /Users/jackiexu/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/ModuleCache/2MWVPCGUMQ29P

then in xcode, clean then restart xcode and build


In addition to all of the other "clean your build" answers, nothing was working for me until I emptied out the (highly undocumented!) /var/folders directory.

Apparently, this is a "miscellaneous caches" dir maintained by OS-X. I didn't even bother figuring out what were "the correct files"; I just cleaned out the entire directory.

...And now I can build again. Hooray! From terminal:

[sudo] rm -rf /var/folders/*

(Although I did it from Finder, via authentication.) (OS-X 10.9.latest)

Additional clue: I could build with XCode-6-beta, but got the goofy corrupt error in XCode-5.


I used Shift + CMD + K to try and clean the project, but it did not disappear.

All I had to do was go and check the names of <yourProjectName>-info.plist and <yourProjectName>-Prefix.pch.

Then Shift + CMD + K worked.

In my case the problem was Clang exiting with code 1.


I was facing the same issue. I first cleaned the project do this by hitting "shift + command + k" and just rebuilt the project and it worked for me. hit "command + B" to rebuilt your project

标签: ios xcode xcode5